Egg production drop


Mar 13, 2018
I have a total of 10 hens and 2 roosters. 2-3 of the hens are being broody. Often I move them off only to have them scramble back to the box.
I'm averaging 3-4 eggs a day. Not nearly enough. Is it possible with the heat and moisture affecting the production?
I have a total of 10 hens and 2 roosters. 2-3 of the hens are being broody. Often I move them off only to have them scramble back to the box.
I'm averaging 3-4 eggs a day. Not nearly enough. Is it possible with the heat and moisture affecting the production?
Hi, I'm in Wexford County. Stress can stop egg production also and two roosters with 10 hens is two too many. Isolate or get rid on one rooster, especially if they are large breeds like Brahmas, Jersey Giants etc. A 10 to 1 hen to rooster ratio is the bottom of the line where you want to be. One rooster can easily support 12-16 hens - alone. That is an unhappy hen ratio unless you have a dormant or young rooster.

Since you have broody hens, they may have found a new place to lay eggs. This happens frequently. I don't know your layout, but if they free range - like outside a fence, then you might want to look around.
My plans are to rid of one of the roosters. All my birds free range except the 2 or 3 that want to stay on the nest. I have a large area for them (10,000 sq. ft.) and lots of open dirt to scratch. Seldom do I find eggs outside the coop.
My plans are to rid of one of the roosters. All my birds free range except the 2 or 3 that want to stay on the nest. I have a large area for them (10,000 sq. ft.) and lots of open dirt to scratch. Seldom do I find eggs outside the coop.
How many nests?
Could be the broodies are scaring off the other birds from the nest area.

Might be good to break all, or all but one, broodies.

If you don't want her to hatch out chicks, IMO it's best to break her broodiness promptly.

My experience goes about like this: After her setting for 3 days and nights in the nest (or as soon as I know they are broody), I put her in a wire dog crate (24"L x 18"W x 21"H) with smaller wire(1x2) on the bottom but no bedding, set up on a couple of 4x4's right in the coop or run with feed and water.

After 48 hours I let her out of crate very near roosting time(30-60 mins) if she goes to roost great, if she goes to nest put her back in crate for another 48 hours.

Tho not necessary a chunk of 2x4 for a 'roost' was added to crate floor, gives the feet a break from the wire floor and encourages roosting.

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