

In the Brooder
Dec 6, 2023
Hey! Woke up this morning to one of my hens looking like this, she is sitting in the coop sleeping kind of while the others are doing their thing. Could she be eggbound? She is walking okay when I saw her walk so it doesn’t seem to be a leg injury.


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She could be, or something else could be causing her discomfort. Can you feel her belly to see if there’s an obvious egg, or any inflammation/fluid? Any other symptoms?
Could she be eggbound?
They *usually* stay in the nest trying to lay the egg.. in MY experience.

Is she pooping? If so then not *likely* egg bound.

How does her crop feel? Empty, hard, or squishy? Is she eating or drinking, responding to treats?

What is her age? Seeing she a sex link.. other reproductive conditions *may* be more likely than binding. Salpingitis, internal laying, or tumors are some possibilities..

Hope you find some answers and she recovers quickly! :fl
She could be, or something else could be causing her discomfort. Can you feel her belly to see if there’s an obvious egg, or any inflammation/fluid? Any other symptoms?
We tried and she wasn’t wanting us to touch her at all unfortunately and would freak out 😑 She isn’t wanting to eat or drink and she is a little wobbly when she walks. Her crop does look like this


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They *usually* stay in the nest trying to lay the egg.. in MY experience.

Is she pooping? If so then not *likely* egg bound.

How does her crop feel? Empty, hard, or squishy? Is she eating or drinking, responding to treats?

What is her age? Seeing she a sex link.. other reproductive conditions *may* be more likely than binding. Salpingitis, internal laying, or tumors are some possibilities..

Hope you find some answers and she recovers quickly! :fl
I actually did see her poop when I was outside with her. She wouldn’t let us feel her crop at all but I do have a picture. She is about 24 weeks and a golden comet.


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I actually did see her poop when I was outside with her. She wouldn’t let us feel her crop at all but I do have a picture. She is about 24 weeks and a golden comet.
Not pooping is what makes egg binding deadly within *about* 48 hours.

Crop looks full.. so that will be a condition to monitor and see if it goes down over night before she accesses food/water the next day.

She isn’t wanting to eat or drink and she is a little wobbly when she walks.
She might be full or the crop may be blocked, sour, impacted, etc.. check out this article for starters..

Can you confirm if she is normally actively laying already or not? It's a little early for other reproductive condition that aren't binding to actually occur.

Aside from the crop.. which could cause some drunkenness symptoms like walking wobbly.. other possibilities that could effect both crop function and coordination (at that age).. are things like Marek's, nutrient deficit, etc.

I would probably not jump to any conclusion on the more "scary" things I mentioned and start with the crop.

ETA: if it's a softee egg.. those don't feel the same and may not go to the lay box.. but *could* still be causing issues on par with binding.
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Not pooping is what makes egg binding deadly within *about* 48 hours.

Crop looks full.. so that will be a condition to monitor and see if it goes down over night before she accesses food/water the next day.

She might be full or the crop may be blocked, sour, impacted, etc.. check out this article for starters..

Can you confirm if she is normally actively laying already or not? It's a little early for other reproductive condition that aren't binding to actually occur.

Aside from the crop.. which could cause some drunkenness symptoms like walking wobbly.. other possibilities that could effect both crop function and coordination (at that age).. are things like Marek's, nutrient deficit, etc.

I would probably not jump to any conclusion on the more "scary" things I mentioned and start with the crop.

ETA: if it's a softee egg.. those don't feel the same and may not go to the lay box.. but *could* still be causing issues on par with binding.
Sounds good, so just keep an eye on her for now? I have a neighbor coming to take a look at her later today to see what they think. She was just pecking at some grass from where she is laying

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