Eggs Rolls ... not just for the chinese buffet!

Can you share the recipe too?

We love this kind of food here I swear I could personally eat it everyday but too much work same with dd's.
Yum! The whole meal looks lovely!

Yes Katy, you might as well toss your recipe out here, too.

Angie? Did you fix the internet you broke?
Can you share the recipe too?

We love this kind of food here I swear I could personally eat it everyday but too much work same with dd's.

Mine is basiclaly the same as Angies.....except after I'm done sauteing everything I add soy sauce and let it marinate and cool down. Min Wei, the lady I got the recipe from said the filling should be cool when you wrap them, so that's how I've always done it. I use cabbage, water chestnuts, sprouts, shredded carrots, onion, kind of whatever I've got on hand, or remembered to buy. I generally make them with browned hamberger since that's how my husband likes them best, but I like them with just the veggies just as well. Since it's just the two of us anymore I generally make them and then freeze them (un-fried) on a cookie sheet, and then put them into a freezer bag. When I want some I just get however many I want to fix out, microwave them to thaw them a little and then deep fry them. We like them better that way than freezing them after they've been deep fried.

I usually go the the Asian Market at Five Mile Fork in Fredericksburg.

I haven't had the chance to read your full page yet, but I am looking forward to it!! I am an eggroll fiend LOL

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