Eggtopsy: What happened to my egg? {Graphic Pictures}

I was thinking-----They need to do their home-work before deciding whom to ask for help, not just grab someone---that's Why I said---Choose Someone that is Good. Sure if they do not want to go to the trouble to do a back search----they better start a thread and ask opinions from the ones that have been around a long time. You did like my last sentence didn't you???

Yea, i know what you meant, just not sure a new person reading would understand, and would just pick any ole body that replies to them. Or geez, they might even pick you! :lol:
You are one of the good ones though :highfive:
Hello, first time hatching and with a first-time broody. Out of 5 - 2 standard 3 bantam, the bantams hatched day 21-22. 1 standard was tossed day 10 not fertile from what I saw candling. The other I last saw movement day 14 via candling before I stopped to let mom finish without bothering her too much. When I opened it up on day 23, after mom left the nest, I saw brown fluid immediately so I knew it had been dead for a while as well as the comparison to yolk size. Could anyone tell me what might of happened? Also the mom was big enough to cover them all throughout her setting.


And here is the view from the back. It was a black sex-link.
Just like Humans-----developing "babies" do mis-carry, probably a lot of times because the embryo was not developing right, etc, etc. Most hatchers call it early death. If you continue hatching you will see it again and again!!
Were you breeding for black sex-links or this egg was from a black sex-link hen?? If the later---just for info a black sex-link egg does not produce a black sex-link chick.
Just like Humans-----developing "babies" do mis-carry, probably a lot of times because the embryo was not developing right, etc, etc. Most hatchers call it early death. If you continue hatching you will see it again and again!!
Were you breeding for black sex-links or this egg was from a black sex-link hen?? If the later---just for info a black sex-link egg does not produce a black sex-link chick.
I was breeding for sex-links RIR to BR
Hi all, just wanted to share my experience... When my Buff Orpington went broody again this spring, we decided we would let her try and mother some chicks. Less work for us! Or so we thought. ;-)

Long story short, out of 12 shipped eggs, 7 were destroyed by another hen, and at least 1 of those was developing based on the yolk and black feathers everywhere; 1 hatched on day 21 into an adorable fluffy black chick with a huge white spot on her head; and the other 4 were subsequently abandoned and I haphazardly tried to keep them warm but none hatched so I gave up at day 24 after float test yielded good results but no movement. I eggtopsied the 4 and 3 were completely undeveloped so maybe scrambled from the beginning, damaged from shipping perhaps, but 1 had a gorgeous baby chick, perfectly formed, who died at maybe Day 19/20? with unabsorbed yolk. I don't know what happened... Inner membranes looked fine, intact and not shrunken, there was no external or internal pipping, and the eggs were dutifully kept warm until after the other chick hatched. I'm still new to this hatching business so any thoughts on what happened would be appreciated... Even with the one hatchling and 5 shipped chicks that Mama Hen is dutifully mothering, it felt like a punch to the gut.
To wait or not?

Our broody hatched 4 chicks Friday (day 20) & 2 more yesterday. We had a heat wave days 6-10 with temperatures ranging from 104-109. As of this morning there were 5 eggs left. 2 were confirmed duds (didn't candle any until today) & 3 that I think may have died since there is no pipping & no movement. I decided to eggtopsy 1 of the 3 to see how developed it was & if it is worth letting our broody sit on the last 2 a couple more days since we have to put the 6 hatched chicks in a brooder during the day or else mama abandons her nest.

This is the result of the eggtopsy. The outer membrane was thick & rubbery & easily pulled away from the shell as soon as I opened it. Any hope of the last 2 hatching if the are in a similar state (seem to be as far as I can tell by candling)?
This is what happen to the only egg that developed out of 7 serama eggs. And when I cracked it open the yoke came right out I didn't crack it normally I just chipped away at the egg slowly and carefully. So if I'm right the yoke broke killing the chick. Anyone know what really went on.


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This little guy piped early. He was making way to zipping but stopped and died. What do you think went wrong?


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This little guy piped early. He was making way to zipping but stopped and died. What do you think went wrong?

I've found that either humidity issues or leg issues are most common reasons for stopping during zip. Once they start actually zipping, if they totally stop for more than 10-15 minutes, I help finish the zip. Times may vary with observing, I may give it shorter or longer time, but once they start, they should continue.
I'm very interested in the whole hatching process... i read a lot of the posts and you guys talk about pipping and zipping.... :gigbut I really have no idea what you are talking about!!! I've got 16 eggs cooking under an EE right now (day 13) so, if anyone has an article that they know of that they think I should read-- could you please link it? Thanks!!

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