Eglu Cube arrived! Review with pics

Thanks for the pictures and sharing your experience with us!
I am seriously considering the Cube and am thrilled to find these reviews!
Question - anyone use these in warm temps? I'm in Southern California and although it's raining now, we can have a few triple digit days in the summertime. And humidity is no stranger either. Worried about ventilation, even though I plan to have this mostly shaded behind our garage...
At long last, my Eglu Cube has arrived!
I'm so excited. Here it is:


In case anyone is interested in these, I thought I'd post some info about it. I ordered it way back in February, and it took a long time since it had to be shipped from the UK. Customer service was great; they were very responsive to all my questions. The Cube finally arrived in five boxes at my local Greyhound station and I had to pick it up. Here are the pieces unpacked:


It took me about two and a half hours to assemble the Cube and the run. This could probably be done faster by someone with some building skill (I have none, DH has lots but he was on a trip and I couldn't wait!). The Cube itself is held together with bolts and brackets, which were pretty easy to work with (a lot like building IKEA furniture, but with directions that are easier to understand). The run is held together with these little clips, which work kind of like zip ties and can be pried apart if needed:


Here's a picture of the inside of the Cube -- the part through the hole is the nest box (which currently does not have any hay/shavings):


You can see the green drawers on the bottom -- these slide out for what is supposed to be easy cleaning. I have heard that you can line these with newspaper and then just dump them, paper and all, into the compost bin, so I'm trying that. Also, I know there have been some questions about how many chickens this might actually hold, so for some perspective here's a pic of the inside with a 5-week-old barred rock (who wouldn't stop moving to pose for a picture):


I have only had it a few days and the girls have not even spent the night in it yet (they will tonight!), but so far it seems solid and sturdy, and pretty user-friendly (it's easy to take apart for cleaning, etc.). The run seems pretty gap-free and predator-proof (I hope!), although I think I want to put some paving stones or something on top of the wire that lays on the ground, just in case.

I know that a couple of other people have been considering these (others, like me, who can't build one of those adorable DIY coops), so if anyone has questions please feel free to post or PM and I will answer. Have a good weekend, everyone!

P.S. I just looked outside and it appears that DD wants to move in too:


UPDATE 6 WEEKS LATER: I am still really happy with the Eglu. By now, we have lived with it for a while, taken it apart for cleaning, moved it, etc. and it has all been really easy to do. (Well, except for moving it, which took two people. The coop was a little too heavy for me to drag over tree roots, etc. by myself.) The chickens are fine with the ladder and the floor of the coop. No predators have gotten in, and I leave the coop door open at night since the run is secure. It is easy to work with and protects my chickies, which is exactly what I wanted!

Update a year later: Still absolutely love the Eglu, but the run is too small for a full-time enclosure for five chickens. It might not be if it were tractored around, but as a stationary yard, I think it's too small. The chickens now have their own fenced portion of the yard.
Are you still loving your coop? Looking for feedback, I am very interested in an Eglu!!
At long last, my Eglu Cube has arrived!
I'm so excited. Here it is:


In case anyone is interested in these, I thought I'd post some info about it. I ordered it way back in February, and it took a long time since it had to be shipped from the UK. Customer service was great; they were very responsive to all my questions. The Cube finally arrived in five boxes at my local Greyhound station and I had to pick it up. Here are the pieces unpacked:


It took me about two and a half hours to assemble the Cube and the run. This could probably be done faster by someone with some building skill (I have none, DH has lots but he was on a trip and I couldn't wait!). The Cube itself is held together with bolts and brackets, which were pretty easy to work with (a lot like building IKEA furniture, but with directions that are easier to understand). The run is held together with these little clips, which work kind of like zip ties and can be pried apart if needed:


Here's a picture of the inside of the Cube -- the part through the hole is the nest box (which currently does not have any hay/shavings):


You can see the green drawers on the bottom -- these slide out for what is supposed to be easy cleaning. I have heard that you can line these with newspaper and then just dump them, paper and all, into the compost bin, so I'm trying that. Also, I know there have been some questions about how many chickens this might actually hold, so for some perspective here's a pic of the inside with a 5-week-old barred rock (who wouldn't stop moving to pose for a picture):


I have only had it a few days and the girls have not even spent the night in it yet (they will tonight!), but so far it seems solid and sturdy, and pretty user-friendly (it's easy to take apart for cleaning, etc.). The run seems pretty gap-free and predator-proof (I hope!), although I think I want to put some paving stones or something on top of the wire that lays on the ground, just in case.

I know that a couple of other people have been considering these (others, like me, who can't build one of those adorable DIY coops), so if anyone has questions please feel free to post or PM and I will answer. Have a good weekend, everyone!

P.S. I just looked outside and it appears that DD wants to move in too:


UPDATE 6 WEEKS LATER: I am still really happy with the Eglu. By now, we have lived with it for a while, taken it apart for cleaning, moved it, etc. and it has all been really easy to do. (Well, except for moving it, which took two people. The coop was a little too heavy for me to drag over tree roots, etc. by myself.) The chickens are fine with the ladder and the floor of the coop. No predators have gotten in, and I leave the coop door open at night since the run is secure. It is easy to work with and protects my chickies, which is exactly what I wanted!

Update a year later: Still absolutely love the Eglu, but the run is too small for a full-time enclosure for five chickens. It might not be if it were tractored around, but as a stationary yard, I think it's too small. The chickens now have their own fenced portion of the yard.
Sorry for the necro-post, but I just wanted to say that I found this post from a Google search and it was what sold me on getting the Eglu Cube. The fact that I can actually sit on a chair in the run with them is what really did it for me. I'm 5'9", and I am able to go inside the run and sit on a small stool with no problems. No, I can't stand up in it, but it doesn't hurt my back to duck inside and sit on the stool.

Thank you for this awesome post!

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