Elderly chicken

Linda montgomery

In the Brooder
Aug 28, 2023
Hi every, I’m hoping for advice. My chicken is Pearl, I have had her over 5 years. She is at least 7 or 8, we don’t know her age. The past few months her chest area has started hanging down, it wobbles when she runs, it is not hard, but like a loose like stretched skin. She runs, eats and drinks, she is a pig when getting treats! She always meets me at gate. I also think she has gotten cataracts in one eye, it is milky colored, other eye is clear and bright. She still lays eggs once in a while, Her comb is red. Other then her skin hanging down she acts normal. There is no yeasty smell from her mouth. She is slowly looking a bit ratty, but I figured old age. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you
Maybe a pendulous crop. Try searching for ways to deal with it (I do not have first-hand experience but I have heard others who have). I know there are ways to deal with it and even a "bra" you can put on her to keep it from stretching more and hanging down. Good luck, it sounds like she has had a full happy life so far :)
Probably a pendulous crop, have had several here and no luck with the crop bra.
As long as she's eating/drinking/pooping/moving around OK, I'd leave her be.

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