Elector PSP question


Aug 17, 2020
Queens, NY
If Elector PSP eliminates external parasites - lice, fleas and mites, and there's a withdrawal period for eggs so enough of the chemical gets inside the birds, why won't it kill internal parasites as well? Not enough gets inside?


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Elector PSP does not have an egg withdrawl period.
Even taken orally it's for external parasites (ie; fleas on dogs, lice etc), not for internal parasites.
So I assume it's just not effective for them. Different kinds of parasites require different chemicals. What works for roundworm doesn't necessarily work for tapeworm, etc.
There's no way in the world I would give that orally to any of my animals.

Are you trying to treat for internal parasites?
Yikes, I hope I did not give the impression I was implying that someone should use Elector PSP internally! :sick
I meant to say Spinosad (the active ingredient in Elector) is sometimes taken internally (different formulations intended and manufactured for that use specifically , by prescription only) in other cases. But still only for external parasites.
Elector PSP is for external and premise use.
Elector PSP does not have an egg withdrawl period.
Even taken orally it's for external parasites (ie; fleas on dogs, lice etc), not for internal parasites.
So I assume it's just not effective for them. Different kinds of parasites require different chemicals. What works for roundworm doesn't necessarily work for tapeworm, etc.
Thank you for the reply.

Yes, I know Elector PSP is not given orally, that it is sprayed on chickens. But I didn't know that it does not have an egg withdrawal period. When I used it to treat my chickens and coop for lice, I did not eat their eggs for a while, I think for a week after spraying them. Just wondered if enough of the Elector PSP gets inside the birds through their skin. Now I guess it does not.

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