electric netting anyone using it.


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 22, 2009
Is anyone using it, If so how do you like. I'm think about using it so I can periodically change the run to different spot around the coop. That way the chickens can dig up an area, then I can move it until it grows back. I was also think about using it to fence in my garden then in the fall\\winter months have the chickens fertilize the soil.
I've got the netting from Premier One. I love it! It is easy to set up and keeps out most predators, dogs and livestock. The only thing it doesn't protect them from is predatory birds (hawks & owls). I started with one 164' roll and then found three more rolls and a solar charger (Patriot PS 15) on craigslist. Right now I have two rolls set up and that makes a huge pen!

Small chicks can walk through the netting, but once they are about half grown, it's not a problem.

Watch the installation video on the Premier One site, and you can see how to set up the fence.
THey have 82' rolls which would make just over 20 x 20 foot area it cost just under $100.00 on premieronesupplies I don't think that too bad. for a 160.00 you can double it. to 40 x 40.
You could get poultry netting to put over the top or some string zig zag accross the top. Both of those predators have very sharp eye sight and would probably see it.
No the charge isn't included but I did see a solar one at harbor freight for $60 -$70. I know someone that uses one to keep their goats in. The only time they got out is when the battery went dead because it had to be replaced.

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