
Raising Layers and Meat Birds in the City
Apr 22, 2022
Northern Ohio
We're having our house's exterior painted. I get a knock at the door a little bit ago, and it's the painter. He says, "I'm so sorry but one of your chickens got paint on her!" I walk out and sure enough, Miss Ella was there, covered in paint, with the other hens trying to peck the paint off her. Turns out she rubbed against the siding that had fresh paint. I had to take her inside for a rinse in the sink. Here she is beforehand:

I laughed so hard when I saw her. Thought you guys would enjoy this! Please share any pics of your chickens getting themselves in trouble like this. I could use a laugh!

(Btw, no chickens were harmed here. It was just a little paint on the surface of her feathers, not even enough for the others to ingest.)

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