Emergency! Chicken Bleeding From Nose


Mar 27, 2019
Southern California
My chicken is a 3 year old wyandotte who began acting strangely roughly 2 days ago. She's been lethargic, puffing out her feathers, and not eating properly. I have not been able to inspect her poop as of yet. The strangest symptom is blood coming from her nose, but there is no injury to her beak, this bleeding is as recent as this morning or last night. Her comb is swollen and not the usual bright red color. Her wings are drooping and she's been laying down quite a lot. I inspected her for injuries and found none except a small possible peck on her comb and a few scabs around her ears. No fever, but she's clearly in pain. None of my other chickens have any symptoms, but she's being quarantined as a precaution.
The blood on her beak is a smear from the blood coming from her nose, not an injury.


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