
I feed chickens with italian pizza. No,I'm joking!
Apr 16, 2019
Centre of Italy
Hi all. One of my chicken in the last two days coughed frequently while eating but i thought she was simply went the food down in the wrong way. This morning she began to eat and she was about to die because of chocke, she was shacking wings with closed eyes and making strange sounds tryng to cough. She did not was responsive with violet comb and made agony movements that I saw lot of times with other chickens. my dad saved her moving her, pushing her at her sides, putting air in the beak with a sort of tube. we didn't know what to do. Now, she is laying on the floor she seems very tired, her comb is a bit violet but less than this morning. she get worse if she eats. it seems like she's breathing but looking in her i can see some blood near the entrance of layinnx, that is bigger than the usual. i don't know if the blood os caused by the congestion or by a foreign body that entered in her. I don't know what to do, please help, i tried to call lot of veterinaries but didn't receive any answer. thank you so much
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Hi all. One of my chicken in the last two days coughed frequently while eating but i thought she was simply went the food down in the wrong way. This morning she began to eat and she was about to die because of chocke, she was shacking wings with closed eyes and making strange sounds tryng to cough. my dad saved her moving her, pushing her at her sides, putting air in the beak. we didn't know what to do. Now, she is laying on the floor she seems very tired, her comb is a bit violet but less than this morning. she get worse if she eats. it seems like she's breathing but looking in her i can see some blood near the entrance of layinnx, that is bigger than the usual. i don't know if the blood os caused by the congestion or by a foreign body that entered in her. I don't know what to do, please help, i tried to call lot of veterinaries but didn't receive any answer. thank you so much
How does her crop feel? Seems like it might be something to do with that. Impacted crop maybe?
How does her crop feel? Seems like it might be something to do with that. Impacted crop maybe?
tank you. her crop is empty because she struggles to eat. i exclude impacted crop. i can't understand if she has gapeworms or a wound in the throat because of some foreign body.. now she is better, she pooped and she is slowly walking in the room. But i fear the episode will happen another time while i'm away.

from what i read, gapeworms are a most continuous disease without interrumption. In my case it is due to eating, or doing something with the throat. she doesn't do this all day:
Sorry about your hen. Haven’t you had a history of a respiratory disease in your flock in the past? Have you seen any bloody mucus coming from the beak or nostrils? In the video, she doesn’t seem to be gaping. Her eye area seems to be swollen, which can be common in mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) or coryza. ILT virus can cause bloody mucus being coughed up and slung about. There is no treatment for viruses such as ILT, but MG can be treated by a number of antibiotics, such as Tylosin, Tiamulin, and oxytetracycline from a veterinarian. Gapeworms can only be seen inside the trachea after death, or with a fecal float by a vet. A good treatment for gapeworms is fenbendazole (panacur, safeguard) or levamisole given for several days in a row.
Sorry about your hen. Haven’t you had a history of a respiratory disease in your flock in the past? Have you seen any bloody mucus coming from the beak or nostrils? In the video, she doesn’t seem to be gaping. Her eye area seems to be swollen, which can be common in mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) or coryza. ILT virus can cause bloody mucus being coughed up and slung about. There is no treatment for viruses such as ILT, but MG can be treated by a number of antibiotics, such as Tylosin, Tiamulin, and oxytetracycline from a veterinarian. Gapeworms can only be seen inside the trachea after death, or with a fecal float by a vet. A good treatment for gapeworms is fenbendazole (panacur, safeguard) or levamisole given for several days in a row.
Hi eggcessive :hugs
thank you for having memory of my previous problems. This time it seems completely differen from the others: no respiratory signs like mucus from nostrils, sneezing, rattling..no one. She only risks to chocke while eating. if she drinks little amounts of water, she is well. food seems to be the problem. Yes, in the video she was recovering by the almost lethal attack she had this morning right after she pecked two three pieces of broken wheat under my eyes. She didn't coughed bloody mucus: i only saw, after she recovered a bit and was able to breathe without help, that near the larynx there was a little amount of blood, like a drop, or less. I'm not conviced thare this are gapeworms because she doesn't seem to struggle to breathe continuously but only in some critical moments. i am buying the treatment for gapeworms anyway.
You noticed the swallen area near the eye...uhm i will see if it persists. The video was taken 30 minutes after the attack, so it's possible that all her head was congested by the effort of breathing (i don't know to make you the idea of what happened, but during the attack she had all her face violet, the neck was flabby and she was desperatly trying to breathe, and panicking. so it was a very bad episode).
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