EMERGENCY Fox attack - Hen severly injured -UPDATED w/ graphic pics-

Corey NC

12 Years
Mar 28, 2007
North Carolina
We just had a fox attack by two small (large-cat sized) grey foxes. Everyone is alive, Moses has a slightly bloody comb and lost tons of feathers, nearly all of his tail and back ones, protecting his girl. Only one hen seems really injured there is a spot on her neck where I can see muscle or tissue or something and I believe she is in shock. We put bactin on her neck and Mose's comb but I don't know anything else to do. They are both in kennals in the dark and quiet basement. Moses is going to be fine but the hen seems to be fading, she isn't bleeding but her comb is pale and she is becoming more and more listless.

I have never had anything like this, please someone tell me what I should do.

If this ever happens agian I am going to find new homes for my chickens. If I can't keep them safe I don't want them, there safety is much more important than my joy of having them.

I will have pics of the injury shortly.
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Can you call a vet? Is she tame enough to where you holding her would calm her?
I am so sorry. We had a cat attack a few weeks ago, took the baby to the vet and they gave her antibiotics and now she is fine. Best wishes for your baby.
Not sure corey - I think I remember someone saying keep them warm.
Have Vit & Electrolites available. GOOD LUCK. I don't think you need total darkness.

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The more I watch her the more I believe she will be ok, she sits calmly in my lap and will drink water fine. She has been talking and fussing when I hold her and she wants to get down. I don't have any poultry elctrolites or vitamins is there anything that I may have around the house that I could use? Would antibotic ointment be ok to put on the wound? Is there anything I could do for the pain she must be in?

Here are some pics of the wound (I know they aren't great, she wouldn't sit still) -






Gatorade will work in a pinch. Keep her warm and as comfortable as you can (I know you are). You can crush an asprin and dissolve in water. Not sure what the ratio is. Maybe one asprin to a gallon of water? You may want to search that. I hope she feels better.
Dhlunicorn usually suggest flushing the would copiously with saline solution. She has a salt water recipe you can boil yourself, water with salt, let it cool (of course), then flush the would. I will see if I can find her amounts...

then after that you can put neosporin on it until you can get antibiotics for her. Ok, here is dhlunicorns quote:

"you need to FLUSH that wound with sterile saline solution (boil a quart of water with a 1/4 tsp of salt for five min and let cool) and then use a syringe with no needle or something similar and fill it with the saline water and FLUSH that wound to dislodge any loose material or such... "

I really dont know how to do quotes or links, sorry.
This was from Southern29chicks post when she found her hen had a wound on its neck. You probably dont need a syringe with the wound on your bird, but do make sure you flush the wound. Peroxide sometimes is very harsh and can kill the good skin too.
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Ok, here's what I found out about asprin at this link http://www.msstate.edu/dept/poultry/extsoln.htm


Used as a general treatment for reducing distress conditions of birds (fever or listlessness) that accompanies many diseases.

Dissolve five (5 grain) aspirin tablets in one gallon of water.

Offer this solution free-choice to the birds for the duration of an illness. The solution aspirin equivalent to 25 grains/gallon or 324 mg/gallon of drinking water. The dosage rate is about 25 mg/lb body weight per day.
Is there a way to find an avine vet in my area? Would your average vet know anything about this? Are there any antibiotics I could get at the feed store?

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