Emergency hatch☹️


6 Years
Oct 26, 2016
Today is the day my 3 eggs should be hatching. They have been under broody moms desperate for babies. They did great until today. They threw one half way hatched baby out of the nesting box. No one will accept the baby and I don't have an incubator anymore. I'm trying to keep him warm but he's not ready at all to hatch completely. How can I help him?
They won't let you put him back underneath? What do they do?

Do you have any heat lamps and thermometers? You can wrap the egg in a damp paper towel (like a nest, I would never cover the whole egg or it could suffocate) and put it under the heat lamp. You need a thermometer though or you could overheat it.

I have done this and it worked.
They won't let you put him back underneath? What do they do?

Do you have any heat lamps and thermometers? You can wrap the egg in a damp paper towel (like a nest, I would never cover the whole egg or it could suffocate) and put it under the heat lamp. You need a thermometer though or you could overheat it.

I have done this and it worked.

They will not stay on him. They just keep getting up. I will try that idea thank you

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