
Feb 20, 2021
Hello everyone, one of my Easter Egger hens (Smokey) is limping whenever she runs. However when she walks slowly, she walks normally and doesn't limp. She eats and drinks perfectly. She does lay down in a corner because she is not feeling well about her foot. It seems like she is limping towards her right foot, I checked her foot and none of her toe nails are bleeding & has no bumble foot at all. Please tell me any thoughts/cures about this problem if you can ASAP.

Here is a video of her limping when running: https://scontent-sjc3-1.cdninstagra...8b1513d15e482bceeb5b56ea05a54b&_nc_sid=195af5



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She might have a sprained leg or other injury. I would keep an eye on her to make sure that she is getting to food and water, and that no one is bullying her. It might be good to keep her inside a dog crate at night, so that she won’t be jumping up and down from a roost. Sprains can take weeks to heal. If she gets worse, she would really need to rest the leg.
I agree, do you have a small enclosure, or dog crate as suggested ?
I have had success keeping injured chickens in a dark quiet room, and I also give half of a baby aspirin. Along with fresh water and good quality food, and a bed of fresh hay if I have it. I’m no expert but have healed all my injuries this way.
cheers and good luck with your hen.
She might have a sprained leg or other injury. I would keep an eye on her to make sure that she is getting to food and water, and that no one is bullying her. It might be good to keep her inside a dog crate at night, so that she won’t be jumping up and down from a roost. Sprains can take weeks to heal. If she gets worse, she would really need to rest the leg.
Hello Eggcessive, thank you so much for your reply! I will monitor her for few more days and see what happens. She is getting food and water as of right now, I separated her with the rest of the flock from a chicken wire fence (they can still see each other). Will separate her to a dog crate if needed, Can I use a cardboard box for her to sleep by her-self at night? I really hope she gets better :) @Eggcessive
I agree, do you have a small enclosure, or dog crate as suggested ?
I have had success keeping injured chickens in a dark quiet room, and I also give half of a baby aspirin. Along with fresh water and good quality food, and a bed of fresh hay if I have it. I’m no expert but have healed all my injuries this way.
cheers and good luck with your hen.
I don't have a dog crate right now but I do have big cardboard boxes. As of right now she has food and water. Do I need to let her out in the morning from her separate enclosure to interact with the flock and the nature? If possible, could you take a picture of your small enclosure set up so that I could have an idea in mind? @SusanMc

Thanks so much,

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