Emergency please help

Is this normal? Sorry I am obsessing. I was thinking today she made some progress. She’s eating quite a bit but it’s like this almost every other minute.
I desperately need help deciding what to do next. She has been isolated now since Sunday I think she’s starting to perk up a bit but we are leaving on Saturday and I don’t think I can put her back in with the other girls. I already postponed the trip and cannot put it off anymore. She is eating and drinking so I don’t want to euthanize her. However, we are going to be gone 10 days so she will spend all that time alone in large dog cage except for the times family can come over and take her out for a bit. I don’t know whether I should start a new thread on this, but I am just sick over it I know she will be four in April so I wonder if I will ever get her healthy again I’m going to take her to the vet again tomorrow. I don’t want to leave her, but at this point I don’t have a choice so if she is improving, what do I do?
If you are leaving, then I'd consider putting her back with her flock, hopefully she won't have problems with being separated since Sunday (4days)?

I usually leave hens that are sick, injured, unwell, with their flock unless they are getting picked on. Re-introductions can be a lot of drama.

In the video, she's adjusting her crop. I'd address that symptom.

She's spitting up yellow fluid from the beak, that is usually not from Coccidiosis. Sounds like a crop problem or do take a look inside the beak for any Canker or lesions/white/yellow pasty material.

The yawning and neck movements is usually an attempt to adjust the crop.

Do you detect a bad odor on her breath?

Crop problems are often a Symptom.

Is her crop emtpying overnight? If it's not, then I'd address that symptom (read the article linked below).
Is she laying eggs - should she have laid an egg? If so and she's not, then I'd also get Calcium into her. 1 Calcium Citrate with D3 tablet daily, just open the beak and pop the tablet in.

Production hens often start to have reproductive problems at her age, so it may be likely this is the main underlying condition that is causing her decline. EYP, Cancer, Salpingitis, etc. are all common in laying hens. The yellow poop could indicate a number of these things including infection, reproductive issues and/or liver problems.

If you are leaving, then I'd consider putting her back with her flock, hopefully she won't have problems with being separated since Sunday (4days)?

I usually leave hens that are sick, injured, unwell, with their flock unless they are getting picked on. Re-introductions can be a lot of drama.

In the video, she's adjusting her crop. I'd address that symptom.
Thanks for your reply. She is eating and drinking but still has the greenish poop. I am going to take her to the vet tomorrow and see if there’s anyway they can keep her while we are gone and continue the treatment. My only concern is that she is almost 4 and am I just prolonging her decline. I don’t know if she’s gonna enjoy going back with the girls. She has been loving being a lap chicken. ❤️ If they can’t board her, I don’t know what I will do. Haven’t been able to sleep I’m so upset about this. So glad there is this for because I know other people understand how I am feeling
Thanks for your reply. She is eating and drinking but still has the greenish poop. I am going to take her to the vet tomorrow and see if there’s anyway they can keep her while we are gone and continue the treatment. My only concern is that she is almost 4 and am I just prolonging her decline. I don’t know if she’s gonna enjoy going back with the girls. She has been loving being a lap chicken. ❤️ If they can’t board her, I don’t know what I will do. Haven’t been able to sleep I’m so upset about this. So glad there is this for because I know other people understand how I am feeling
Thanks again for all your help last night. I took her to the vet and she agreed that she may be old, but she was rallying and exhibiting normal chicken behaviors, so it would be premature to put her down. there may be more underlying issues only time will tell. I am going to attempt to introduce her to the flock again tonight while they are sleeping. That way I will have time to monitor tomorrow. Crossing my fingers that all goes well. I guess we’ll see how things play out naturally. I did the best I could for her to at least give her another chance.
I agree that I would get her back with her flock. They might peck her a little but just hanging around to make sure that they leave her alone after a peck or two. Check her crop early in the morning before she eats or drinks to make sure that it is empty and that she is then eating some the next 2 days.
I agree that I would get her back with her flock. They might peck her a little but just hanging around to make sure that they leave her alone after a peck or two. Check her crop early in the morning before she eats or drinks to make sure that it is empty and that she is then eating some the next 2 days.
Thanks I am going to try to sneak her in tonight. My chicken sitter is going to make sure she is getting to eat, and if the others are not letting her then she will bring her in to eat. There are only seven in the flock, and they have been together since birth, so hoping they accept her back in. Thanks again for all the support.
Sorry, I forgot to mention that she stopped laying about a month ago but did have some issues of shell less eggs before she stopped laying, but always bounced back. Her crop is empty but she does a lot of stretching and yawning with her neck as well.
Chicken birth control might save her, but it might be too late at this point. This is common in production hens, them stopping laying eggs then getting sick. Usualy it is something to do with the amount of eggs they lay. If you don't want something like this to happen to future chickens, I recommend getting heritage breeds, which a little less eggs, but will not be as likely to have these issues.
Edited to say that if you are already taking her to the vet, ask about it, because she will likely live much longer.
Thanks I am going to try to sneak her in tonight. My chicken sitter is going to make sure she is getting to eat, and if the others are not letting her then she will bring her in to eat. There are only seven in the flock, and they have been together since birth, so hoping they accept her back in. Thanks again for all the support.
I would be there at daylight to make sure that she is not getting bullied. Just spend some time with them.

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