Emergency/surgery time??!! GLEET? IMP. CROP???


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
I had a male bantam cochin die last month of what I thought was an impacted crop. But not sure. I never did surgery.

I have a male bantam cochin now with same symptoms.

He is emaciated, has pale comb and large crop that does not seem to have much liquid in it.

Both of these birds went down hill very fast (within a week).

Both of these birds have been bullied a lot. So I would think they are not at the top of the food choice. They probably get lasts. My chickens have feed out most of the time(99%).

There is a handful of my chickens that have yeast gleet, I just found this out today. So I was out getting the supplies for that and was going to treat this roo also. However, now I am really questioning what he has.

I do not think he has much time left. So I am wondering if any of you with experience with this impacted crop could let me know about your experience and how you knew it was time for an emergency surgery?

I have searched on both these ailments, but have not found much on when you know

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I don't know. I massage and massage with oil and mush food, I'd like to see an improvement within 5 days, if you see a tiny bit of recovery each day, keep going. My last one took 2 weeks, but there was improvement every day.
I have dealt with impacted crop but never surgery. I had with held all food and only gave olive oil soaked bread with acv in their water. I massaged the heck out of their crop to try to break loose whatever might be causing the impaction. It has worked for me so far on a couple I had to deal with. Once their crop was cleared I then gave yogurt and then progressed to feed. I guess it would depend on surgery on how quickly he is deteriorating and if you cannot get the impaction broke up to move through the normal way.
I hope you can help your guy!

I forgot to add I also put vitamins & electrolytes in the water.
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Thanks both of you. It appears he has stuffed himself with cracked corn yesterday.
It doesnt seem to be going any where. I dont know if it is impacted. I know how to do the surgery from reading,,,just dont know exactly what I am looking for in an mimpacted crop.
I would try to massage & oil today and then see how things are in the morning. But if that doesn't work it would seem surgery is the only solution.
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I know he is presenting the same way the other one did. About a week ago I noticed him losing weight (he was good weight the week before) and and sluggish. Being bullied more than usual so I put him in a pen with a friend. The last 2 days he had a pale comb. Yesterday night I took him out and brought him in the house. His crop was full and lumpy then. It still is almost 24 hours later. He is very thin but not as thin as the other one was.

I dont think I have much time for a decision.

Can you get impacted crop with just grains?

Anybody familiar with sour crop and vent gleet? yeast infection?
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