
Apr 13, 2023
I had gotten 4, 4 week old amerecaunas from a friend. They were in a separate cage in the coop for 3 weeks but my flock was able to stick their heads in and try and peck their food. I realize now that was a mistake and will properly quarantine from here on out. However, I have a serious issue and not sure what the heck is going on. First one of those chicks was acting lethargic, droopy and puffy for about 3 days. Still eating and drinking, normal poop. I brought her inside to keep an eye on her and see how I should treat and she passed away quickly. Now, I had another with same symptoms seemed to improve and then just died. And now one of my original flock girls is acting lethargic. Puffy and separating herself. I am looking into necropsy but the ones I've contacted it's at least $150 and I just don't have that right now. Any advice? What can I try to help this? I have corid in their water just in case. I have vet rx and tiagard on hand. Safeguard too. But poop seems all normal.
Edit to add- my chickens had a respiratory infection a few months ago. Treated with the tiagard and all of them improved. The 2 that passed did not show symptoms of respiratory infection. However my original flock member that's acting off is now having bubbling from te eyes again. I am treating her with the tiagard again. Could they have gotten it and passed from that, that quickly? Maybe since they are smaller and stress from new environment? Help please! Don't want to lose anymore birds

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