Emu injury


Mar 19, 2020
Last week my baby emu was kicked by the adult emu. He came running over to me and I thought he was ok... but the next day he seemed to have trouble keeping his balance. Now he's worse! He can't stand on his own without falling over Backwards. He's eating and drinking ok if I put his food and water directly in front of him. At first I thought he might have had a mild concussion and would get over it in a few days. I hate seeing him fall and I'm afraid he's going to hurt himself.
Yes, I've got him in a small enclosure with hay. He has no signs of abrasions. Like I said, he seemed fine when it first happened, just a little shook up. He's only 2 months old, just a baby.
I was laid off my job 2 weeks ago because of this virus, so no, I have not had the means to visit a Vet.
I don't know anything about Emus. Hopefully someone like @Gray Farms or @casportpony can help?

To me, falling backwards in any bird sounds neurological. Do you have any poultry vitamins that contain Vitamin E and B1? I would give those for a few days to see if that makes any difference.

I'm very sorry that you are dealing with all this, hang in there :hugs
Yes, I've got him in a small enclosure with hay. He has no signs of abrasions. Like I said, he seemed fine when it first happened, just a little shook up. He's only 2 months old, just a baby.
I was laid off my job 2 weeks ago because of this virus, so no, I have not had the means to visit a Vet.
Thank you...! I will go to Pet Smart for some Vitamins... I'm feeding him the Purina Organic Chick Starter...non medicated. You would think that brand would be sufficient but, I've got to do something. Thank you Again.
I have no problem with Purina, but as for whether chick starter is the right feed for him (Protein wise) I don't know - I have no idea what you feed Emu :oops:

Hopefully you can find some vitamins - do you have a Tractor Supply? If you do, then I would try them first - Look for Poultry Nutri-Drench or Poultry Cell - I would think either of those would be fine to use for a few days.
Thank you...! I will go to Pet Smart for some Vitamins... I'm feeding him the Purina Organic Chick Starter...non medicated. You would think that brand would be sufficient but, I've got to do something. Thank you Again.

How much protein in it? Game bird or turkey starter/grower is generally better.
I have no problem with Purina, but as for whether chick starter is the right feed for him (Protein wise) I don't know - I have no idea what you feed Emu :oops:

Hopefully you can find some vitamins - do you have a Tractor Supply? If you do, then I would try them first - Look for Poultry Nutri-Drench or Poultry Cell - I would think either of those would be fine to use for a few days.
Thank you.... Yes, there is a Tractor Supply on the other side of town. (I'm sorry I really don't know how to answer you on this site...rather confusing )

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