enlarged crop daily?


11 Years
Oct 9, 2012
New Riegel Ohio (NW Ohio)
so last night I notice many of my 24 rangers 4-5 week olds had what looked like enlarged crops (looked like golf balls hanging off some!) so I of course freaked out and came to BYC and thought it was impacted crop. I noticed it mainly because I just moved them out of the brooder to the tractor. They are fed a FF whole grain feed but I keep grit available for them. However they were supposed to go out the day before but there were Tstorms forecasted so I didn't move them out so I thought maybe the grit got spilled and I didn't notice it. Anyhow I removed all extra feed but chopped up 2 bulbs of garlic and let them have that. I had a nearly full qt of plain yogurt in the fridge I was going to give them this morning. When I went out this morning, I noticed almost all looked completely fine, some still had a small swell but nothing like the evening before. So I fed the yogurt along with about 1/2 feed that I normally do (soaked crumbles that I had). So my question, does that seem normal for the crop (I think?) to be bulging at the end of the day and they digest it overnight? If I were home during the day I would do smaller servings but I work so they are fed at 6am and then I'm not home until 4:30 or 5pm to give them any more. Also any idea how much feed I should be going through for 24 meaties at 4-5 weeks old each day?
. So my question, does that seem normal for the crop (I think?) to be bulging at the end of the day and they digest it overnight? If I were home during the day I would do smaller servings but I work so they are fed at 6am and then I'm not home until 4:30 or 5pm to give them any more. Also any idea how much feed I should be going through for 24 meaties at 4-5 weeks old each day?
This is perfectly normal. Meat birds are pigs and stuff themselves as soon as the food is set down.

I cannot tell you how much feed you should go through. I just filled the feeder in the morning and at night. Toward the end they were cleaning the feeder and wanting more twice a day.

edited because I hit submit too soon!
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