Enlarged liver white nodules [Necropsy photos]


yurkey crazy
Premium Feather Member
7 Years
Apr 27, 2017
Warning for some necropsy photos in the thread.

I had to have one of my 4 month old turkeys euthanized yesterday. I had been tube feeding her for 4 days and she didn't show any improvement, just maintained her low weight and continued to look awful. I had been giving her SMZ tablets from the vet, and she had gotten a sulfa shot and a b12 shot. I had a poult with the same symptoms about a week or two ago now, however I detected her early and after her vet visit, she cleared up the next day and now appears completely normal. This poult had been suffering awhile longer I presume, and I think I was too late for treatment. Her symptoms prior to any of this were lethargy, not eating/or drinking enough on her own, diarrhea, at one point bloody stools but those went away and didn't come back, yellow urates, and eventually her poop was mostly liquid with only a small amount of feces despite being tube fed. She also had gotten an ear infection.

The vet did blood work, found that she had a high white count and something to do with her liver. He also Xrayed her and found she had an enlarged liver, impaction in her gizzard, and gas built up in her proventriculus. Some of her other organs were obscured in the xray by gas that was filling up in her. She had some fluid in her lungs, but I don't know if it was from the tube feeding because she never aspirated (or appeared to) once when we were feeding her, nor did she regurgitate.

After a poor outlook on surviving surgery, I decided to have her euthanized to end her suffering. It hurt my heart, but I couldn't spend that kind of money and then go home with a dead bird.

My mom did an autopsy on her about an hour after she was euthanized. My mom doesn't know anything about bird anatomy, but she did her best and she took a few photos. I don't know much either, so I figured I'd ask for help. Please know I don't have access to these organs anymore. My mom threw them away afterwards, unfortunately, but I can't get mad at her because she already did a lot just by opening her up in the first place.


This was her liver. Mom said the white nodules are just that- nodules, they were popping out and not just direct coloration. She didn't open the liver up.


This was her gizzard, or the inside of it. Mom said it was full of stones. This was what she got out of it.


I don't quite know what this organ is. Mom said it was coiled up between some organs that were tightly coiled and twisted together. Maybe the spleen? She said the gravelly looking stuff inside it was stuck to the sides of it, almost like it was part of the flesh.

She said there was a lot of gas. Everything was kind of blown up with gas. She said there was no blood she remembered while doing the autopsy. She didn't go as far as the heart, she had cut from the vent up the breast bone to mostly look at her liver. Her body is most likely still in the freezer at the vet clinic we work at, but the organs that she extracted she threw out.

I'm scared of it being avian leukosis. These turkeys are not around chickens. The turkeys and chickens are separate from each other. My adult turkeys were housed with chickens probably 2 or 3 years ago, but none of my adults have ever shown signs of anything. This was a 4 month old poult that I bought from a breeder at 6 weeks old. They are in a separate pen from the adult turkeys, but their pen is inside the turkey pen. The other 4 poults (2 of them her sisters, the other 2 related to my own flock) show no signs of anything being wrong at this time.

Thanks. If you have any questions I'll try my best to answer them. Here was my other thread where I talked about the one who was sick but got better quickly, and also the one who we had to euthanize. https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/young-turkey-sudden-lethargy.1493006/
Thank you for posting the necropsy photos. The liver certainly looks like pictures in books of lymphoid leukosis, but it would take your state vet doing histological testing during a necropsy to confirm it. I will tag @azygous who has dealt with LL in her flock to take a look. Could the questionable organ in the 4th picture be the proventriculis? Here is a link about LL that has a similar picture of a liver:
Real quick I do want to mention there is a very good risk of her also have digested pelleted fertilizer, if that toxicity could have screwed up her liver. I forgot to mention that in the first post. Ill respond a bit more in detail when I get inside to my computer!
What was the active ingredient in the pelleted fertilizer? There are some that are toxic and others that are organic.

The liver is unmistakably diseased. I imagine the nodules are cancer tumors. They are not typical of lymphoid leucosis, though, but I wouldn't rule it out.

Your mom is awesome! You are so lucky to have a mom that would do that. She's a keeper.
Thank you for posting the necropsy photos. The liver certainly looks like pictures in books of lymphoid leukosis, but it would take your state vet doing histological testing during a necropsy to confirm it. I will tag @azygous who has dealt with LL in her flock to take a look. Could the questionable organ in the 4th picture be the proventriculis? Here is a link about LL that has a similar picture of a liver:

What was the active ingredient in the pelleted fertilizer? There are some that are toxic and others that are organic.

The liver is unmistakably diseased. I imagine the nodules are cancer tumors. They are not typical of lymphoid leucosis, though, but I wouldn't rule it out.

Your mom is awesome! You are so lucky to have a mom that would do that. She's a keeper.
Thank you both so much! I hate replying on my phone because my big fat fingers constantly hit the wrong keys making it take 500 years, so I wanted to wait until I could get on my keyboard.

So they had access (temporarily) to both of these fertilizers. We fixed it as soon as we knew, but unfortunately we're not sure how much she could have ingested. I think they both are no-herbicides, but considering they're cheaper brands I don't know how well I trust them

We asked our cat/dog vet to look at the picture too just to see what his opinion was, he used to work on emus a long time ago when they were a big thing around here. He said he probably couldn't have survived with a liver like that and that it was probably the fertilizer. Of course, since he's not an avian vet I won't use his word as bible, but hearing that those nodules aren't typical of LL makes me feel a little better. They only started acting sick after the fertilizer had been accidentally introduced, before that they were all fine.

Also thanks, my Mom's always done a lot for me and I don't know if I'd be functional at this point if I didn't have her haha.
I researched the two fertilizers, and there appears to be nothing in either that would cause liver damage or a toxic reaction. You may be looking at another cause for that abnormal liver. It may not be typical of leucosis tumors, but I wouldn't rule it out.

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