eprimix or Ivermectin


13 Years
Jan 15, 2007
West Tn
I'm sure the spelling is wrong, but does anyone use this for parasite control?They have it in a pate at Wal-Mart. I'm wondering if I mixed it with canned dog food and fed it,would that be o.k.?
Not sure ...I have used Ivermectin for about every other kind of animal.. Maybe look on their website and see waht it has to say...
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there is a thread I think on the emergency forum (think that is were I saw?) I think you can put the paste under the wing small pea size drop. I used the pour on at the back of the neck. last fall. remember you should not eat the eggs. for 2weeks.They suggested you use Wazine first then two weeks later the Ivermectin. How ever unless you are sure you have a parasite problem you might want to try some of the natural parasite suggestions. such as pumpkin seed,garlic, I think DE is good for externals

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