Ethical/Necessary disclosures when selling


7 Years
May 6, 2012
Burns, Wyoming
I have a mixed flock so I am interested in this answer for many different types of birds. Peacocks are what has started the thinking though.

So I am selling excess peahens. It's taken years for me to figure out how to hatch and keep the peachicks alive. It was a process but the short of it is that they were dying from what seemed to be coccidosis at about a week old. I now pen the mothers and chicks up and medicate for 2 weeks. 100% survival with this. The peachicks being the only sign of coccidosis that I've ever had. Once they pass the critical first few weeks they are strong and they roam without issue. The peahens I'm selling are a year old now.

So the question is, am I obligated to tell buyers this? I would like to tell them, so they don't have to have a bunch of deaths on their hands while they figure it out. I just don't want to over share and freak people out about what might not even be an issue for them. Thoughts?
I sell a fair amount of birds, all chickens.

I find folks don't remember even half of what you tell them when they're out purchasing an animal. So, I wrote it down, seems to work much better. I do have some follow up calls (my number is on the paper), but not as many as I did before I started giving out this handout with sale.

I have a informational sheet I give all buyers. It's titled something like "bringing home new chickens". I just sat down and lightly covered a few areas, like integration with current birds, quarantine, what I feed my birds, things like that. Since I live in a cocci prone area, I do mention that also and advise folks to use medicated feed for chicks.

I think it's fine to tell folks pea chicks are fragile and need some special care. And what you're describing doesn't sound like extraordinary care, not like you're out there needing to be hands on multiple times a day. I'd tell them or write it down, just so they know. If they're freaked out by this, pea fowl are probably not the animal for them.

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