Euthanasia- which is the nicest way to put a chicken down?

It is something many don't like to think about. But it is something most chicken people face eventually.

Far better than letting an animal suffer in my opinion.
I'm a vegetarian, so I'm only passing on hearsay...
My old lady friend who has raised birds forever says that if you intend to eat the bird you are killing, you should NOT cut the head off, as this does something to the taste and consistency of the meat. She dislocates the neck. I just tried to call her to find out more about it, but she isn't home. Has anyone else ever heard this?
That isn't unreasonable. Cutting a chicken's head off guarantees it loses a lot of blood, and blood could contain a lot of "taste." Dislocating its neck prevents blood loss and might thus increase flavor and change the texture of the meat.

I truly doubt you could actually tell the difference, personally. But I suppose someone that is really particular in their chicken flavor, perhaps an avid chef, might be able to tell the difference in the quality of the meat.

Also, proper kosher meat preparation always involves rapid blood loss by the animal, I believe. Something to think about...

Im also vegetarian so I would never kill any of my girls for meat especially as they are all pets, but I dont think i have the strength to twist a neck properly, anyhow thanks for all the advice and I hope I never have to use it again and same for you guys. Its nicest if they go in their sleep as my fave did yesterday.
That's funny you say that! This particular lady is in her mid 70's, and as long as I've known her, she has had eggs for breakfast, chicken for lunch, and chicken for dinner. If anyone knows the nuances of chicken flavor, it ought to be her!
I'm not an expert by any means but the little research I've done on butchering actually says it's best to get the blood out as quickly and cleanly as possible. If too much blood is left it can taint the meat.

No experience, just research.

Edited to add some more research:

"whatever method you choose, it is essential that the bird bleed out completely. The dressed bird will not keep nearly as well, nor taste as good, if the blood remains in the muscle tissue."
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In Storey's Guide, they suggest not removing the head because the chicken will aspirate blood which will toughen and taint the meat. They suggest a method called "debraining" as the quickest and easiest way to cull a chicken. Its not as bad as it sounds, and I have had chance to try both methods and do perfer this one. With the meat birds we are currently raising, I will be using this.

In using a hatchet you have to have steady aim and a strong arm. If you miss, have a weak stomach, or dont cut competly the first time, you leave a poor suffering soul laying there. In debraining, you insert a sharp knife up through the beak, through the roof of the mouth into the skull, and give one turn of the knife. The chicken is not only instantly gone, but if you are going to pluck and prepare the bird for eating, the debraining method causes a reflex reaction to loosen the feathers so they just come right out. It is next to impossible to mess up, as once the knife enters the skull the bird is gone and painfree. Dont mean to be gross, but if I weren't eating a bird, and simply putting it down to be humane, I would do this. Then I could bury my bird whole and mourne them.
I lucky enough to have worked at a large vet hospital for 8 years as a certified tech--- I run my down a any hour if I need to euthanize--by injection. But, the other way works too......
Where they do mass killing of chickens for human consumption they have them hanging upside down then cut their heads off to allow the blood to drain out. I would imagine they do it this way for a reason.

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