Evaporative cooler in the coop - question?!


Crossing the Road
12 Years
Apr 21, 2012
North Texas
I purchased an evaporative cooler for our coop. It is the correct size per sq. ft. My question is the following: Should the doors and windows stay open for ventilation, or should they be closed/cracked to keep the cool from escaping?? I have everything open, and it feels no cooler than a regular fan. -have a gal panting on the nest box right now. -supposed to be 100 degrees this afternoon...
I personally would never close my coop entirely and rely on an evaporative cooler or an air conditioning unit. The evaporative coolers are most effective in the dry Southwest regions where humidity is very very low. They will merely blow air if the humidity levels are not really low. 100 degrees is pretty hot but if your birds have plenty of water and shade they should be fine. Especially if they are a breed that is known to be able to handle hot temperatures.
We have Buff Orpingtons, a Wyandotte, an Australorp, Golden Comets, and three bantams. The standard hens don't seem to do as well as the bantams. The cooler isn't working very well. -going back to the two big box fans and a mister with all windows and doors open. They do have plenty of shade and cold water.
We have Buff Orpingtons, a Wyandotte, an Australorp, Golden Comets, and three bantams. The standard hens don't seem to do as well as the bantams. The cooler isn't working very well. -going back to the two big box fans and a mister with all windows and doors open. They do have plenty of shade and cold water.
I use the high velocity fans mounted to keep air moving in the ceiling areas in my barns horse stalls here in Houston where the relative humidity is like 200% Keeping cool water in plenty to drink is also a help. There are a bunch of folks on the TX thread who have all been dealing with the heat here.
The mister, box fans, and open coop with shaded areas sounds ideal to me. High humidity and dew points can be hard to combat. Here in the Midwest, we have been lucky this year since it has been very cool and good rains this Summer. Nothing over 100 and only 2 or 3 days with temps up over 90! We are fortunate to have a pond that the dogs can take a dip whenever they get hot.

That looks fabulous (and the weather sounds fabulous)! We've actually had a very mild summer in North Texas as well. (only upper 90s with four days of 100+) Our forecast is returning to "normal summer" this week. Every day is supposed to be between 100 - 103. I'm about ready to relocate to the favorite "home away from home" - Rocky Mountains of Colorado!
I use the high velocity fans mounted to keep air moving in the ceiling areas in my barns horse stalls here in Houston where the relative humidity is like 200% Keeping cool water in plenty to drink is also a help. There are a bunch of folks on the TX thread who have all been dealing with the heat here.
Talking about humidity, it is just plain awful. I am free ranging my girls very early in the morning before the heat really "hits the fan" then I put them back in their covered run where they spend the rest of the day. I have 2 coops and a long run with a partition in the middle (not ready yet to completely integrate my 12 week old chicks with the hens). I recently installed misters with a pump that increases the water pressure to 160psi. It works great but it still makes the sand wet if I run them in the peak of the afternoon when it is the hottest. Now I am worried about the wet sand and cocci. I quit giving the chicks medicated starter-grower feed because my hens were eating it when they were all out free ranging. I also have 6 fans running all the time but I have the impression that they are just running hot air, how can the fans help the hens?
I purchased an evaporative cooler for our coop. It is the correct size per sq. ft. My question is the following: Should the doors and windows stay open for ventilation, or should they be closed/cracked to keep the cool from escaping?? I have everything open, and it feels no cooler than a regular fan. -have a gal panting on the nest box right now. -supposed to be 100 degrees this afternoon...
Leave windows open to allow humidity introduced during cooling to escape, otherwise evaporation will slow and temperature will go up,
The mister, box fans, and open coop with shaded areas sounds ideal to me. High humidity and dew points can be hard to combat. Here in the Midwest, we have been lucky this year since it has been very cool and good rains this Summer. Nothing over 100 and only 2 or 3 days with temps up over 90! We are fortunate to have a pond that the dogs can take a dip whenever they get hot.

Sorry OP I can't help with your evap. cooler, but I wanted to say that lake looks divine!
Well, the evaporative cooler isn't going to work for us. It doesn't help. -have three sides of the coop open with big box fans circulating the air. (The coop is under a large oak tree for shade) The drinking water supply stays very cold and the mister and two fans near the run is working well. The run is dry and they are dust bathing as usual. The grass in front of the run is getting the residual water. The fine mist is blowing through the run, and it is nice. -looking forward to fall already....
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