Everybody should get to eat!


Premium Feather Member
Nov 7, 2022
I have a second coop with three 10 week old cockerels and ten 6 week old should-be-pullets. I have three feeding stations, all out of sight of the others.

When I open up in the morning all three bowls are full. The three older birds immediately stake out all the feeding stations and drive the chicks away, not letting them eat. I have taken to isolating the three older birds in the coop until the chicks have eaten, but this morning one got past me.

He would eat at one bowl, then when he heard the chicks eating at the other he would drive them off. He was busy running from one bowl to the other, apparently determined that the chicks wouldn't eat.

Unless I intervene, the babies go hungry. How can I stop this behavior? Always before, having multiple feeding spots has solved the problem.
No. One is in the coop, one in front of it, and a third off to the side. As far as I can tell they hear the excited squeaks of the chicks and that alerts them that Someone Found Food And I Didn't Get It.
I may have a solution, at least for the next little while.

Currently the chicks are still small enough to get through the fence. If I put a bowl outside the fence, on the side the chicks run to when they're driven away, they should be able to eat.
Do an online search on 'creep feeders'. You can use that concept to provide them a safe feeding area.

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