Excelsior pads/mats


Poultry Lit Chaser
10 Years
May 19, 2009
I was just noticing that these Nest pads these Excelsior pads are selling on the retail market for about $2 a piece . if anybody is looking for a better buy go to the online directory of Excelsior Manufacturers in the United States. it's a very long directory and you can buy your pad straight from manufacturer .
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Excelsior ( Wood Wool ) Suppliers
Sometimes you can get a really good deal like I did if they have a canceled order on the dock.
I picked up 100 pads for $36 plus a little shipping from American Excelsior. they've lasted me for years. I also use them to put on the bottom of shipping boxes when I ship Birds. that way the birds have excellent footing and don't slide around the boxes. plus the poop tends to fall through the Excelsior so they're not standing in it .I do put an extra layer of cardboard in the bottom of the Box before I put the Excelsior pads in. anyway this is a good way to cut your cost for Excelsior pads and get more for your money.
Best ,
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