Extreme yogurt beak

Ballerina Bird

5 Years
Aug 29, 2014
I had some fancy Icelandic yogurt, which is very thick, left over, so I gave some to my girls since they usually like yogurt. They loved it and gobbled it up, but because it's so much thicker than regular yogurt, there is a lot of yogurt on their beaks; usually this doesn't happen nearly so much with normal yogurt. Do I need to clean this off for them? Is there any problem with leaving them be and letting it sort of melt off on its own?

PS I should properly attribute the phrase "yogurt beak" to the very funny person who used it on her chicken page when showing her birds eating treats. I can't remember her name now, but it has become a household term here.
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I wouldnt, but i tell you what i would do. First, take a picture! Then see how long it takes . If they see to have difficulty opening their beaks, (gosh the yogurt must be thick :D ) then wipe it off as long as its no trouble, but im sure theyll be able to get it off! :D
I too, would love to see a picture. Also, they should be able to clean it off themselves. I mean, if they really have a problem you could help them out, but I think it would be pretty funny to watch them try and clean it off.
It was crazily thick; that was what made me wonder. I am going to give them some more tomorrow, since they liked it so much and will definitely post a pic. Thanks again!
Here it is -- the Icelandic Yogurt Photo Shoot. Maybe the Siggi Yogurt people will give my girls an endorsement contract.:)






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