Eyes stuck shut - recurring - in healthy-seeming chicks


In the Brooder
Sep 11, 2022
I received 20 baby chicks from Hoover's yesterday and am noticing a problem with their eyes getting stuck shut. None of the answers I've found online seem to apply, and I'm hoping someone here has some experience/insight. I've raised many batches of chicks in the past and have never had this happen before.

A typical scenario that plays, out multiple times a day:

1. I notice a chick distress-calling and either standing still or walking haltingly or in circles, with both its eyes shut.
2. I remove the chick, use a Q-tip dipped in lukewarm water to gently wipe the eyes.
3. As soon as at least one eye is open, the chick calms down and looks around alertly.
4. Usually when I replace the chick in the brooder it goes straight to the feeder to eat.
5. Rinse and repeat 😑 (chicks whose eyes were open before end up with their eyes stuck shut again)

They are in a nice big kiddie pool brooder with a heat mat and Rentacoop heat plate. They are very happy, comfortable, and lively, except when their eyes become stuck shut. They do not seem sick. There is no pecking/picking issues or other aggression. The only distress seems to be caused by their eyes being stuck shut, rather than them closing their eyes because they are stressed/distressed.

Attached photos show a chick after I helped it open one eye, with the other eye in the process of opening.

Any ideas??? Thanks in advance!


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Not sure what's causing it.

I'd use saline to clean and flush out the eyes, possibly they are getting debris or down in the eyes. After cleaning well, put a dot of eye ointment (Terramycin) or Original Neosporin in the eye.
Not sure what's causing it.

I'd use saline to clean and flush out the eyes, possibly they are getting debris or down in the eyes. After cleaning well, put a dot of eye ointment (Terramycin) or Original Neosporin in the eye.
Thanks - I will try a bit of Neosporin. Sometimes their eyes pop back open right away, and sometimes they look a little bleary at first like the eye may be irritated. I can't see anything wrong, either way, though.
I'm using cross-cut shredded cardboard and paper.
I was thinking maybe excessive dust or something irritating them in the air. Not sure if that would cause it, but it maybe worth a shot to change to some recycled paper or hemp bedding. Shavings can be very dusty and could further their irritation.

You can also use a silicone mate or just some paper towels.
I was thinking maybe excessive dust or something irritating them in the air. Not sure if that would cause it, but it maybe worth a shot to change to some recycled paper or hemp bedding. Shavings can be very dusty and could further their irritation.

You can also use a silicone mate or just some paper towels.
Hmm, dust would definitely be irritating, but I don't think that's what's going on. I'm not using shavings--what I'm using is basically the same as the recycled paper bedding you mention, I think, just that I shredded it myself instead of paying for a commercial product.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Can you take a quick short video of the whole set up/chicks and upload it to Youtube real quick?

Please reconsider putting anything in their eyes at this age, you may cause damage doing so.

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