Fairly Confident in my Assessment

She has green in them thar legs. I was always quite confident I was going to get a blue or green egg when I hatched one with this leg color. I can see you checking that nest box every day now. 😜
That's a hen!
Oh yeah. This one was laying green eggs for a bit. But then my flock was attacked by predators. She hasn't played since. It's been at least two weeks. She has an injured wing and was real scared because she was lost in the woods overnight when we had tornadoes. The next morning she returns with a real "I've seen things" look in her eyes.
Oh yeah. This one was laying green eggs for a bit. But then my flock was attacked by predators. She hasn't played since. It's been at least two weeks. She has an injured wing and was real scared because she was lost in the woods overnight when we had tornadoes. The next morning she returns with a real "I've seen things" look in her eyes.
She is just a bit upset about all what has happened so just give her a bit of time and she will start laying again. A simple predators apprence can cause hens to stop laying for up to two months. Let alone a predator attack.
All you really can do is try to make her feel comfortable. You can never really go wrong with some dark nesting boxes and some fresh pine shavings. Also some treats might be able to help.
Give her time, she should calm down.
She is just a bit upset about all what has happened so just give her a bit of time and she will start laying again. A simple predators apprence can cause hens to stop laying for up to two months. Let alone a predator attack.
All you really can do is try to make her feel comfortable. You can never really go wrong with some dark nesting boxes and some fresh pine shavings. Also some treats might be able to help.
Give her time, she should calm down.
Thanks. It's been a couple weeks now and she's getting that bounce back in her step. She's eager to get out of the run and free-range every morning. But currently they aren't allowed out unsupervised. At least till I build them the mega sized run in spring.

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