Farm Related Photography. Pictures are the best Advertisement!



8 Years
Aug 8, 2011
Shediac Cape NB, Canada
My Coop
My Coop
I was asked to open a thread relating to photography. I realize there is probably plenty of threads about this, but I'd like one directed only at photos relating to the farm, homestead or small backyard poultry.

I'd also like to have others share their work. Pictures are the best form of advertisement if you ask me.

We could do weekly challenges.
Example: Capture your birds on the lookout for predators.

Another: camouflage

Another: Ruffled Feathers

We could do: Crowing

Hen with chicks:

among other things.

Just thinking out loud here. :)

I'd like to see some of your best shots. I'd like to stay away from camera phones on this thread, as they really don't capture well (unless the picture is from an iPhone - sometimes they do quite well!)
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Well..looks like I will not be posting any pictures! My poor camera is worse than a phone camera.

Beautiful as always Aoxa
None of my photobucket options are showing shots. What link option do you use? Since I have so many loaded there, I thought I could use that alternative rather than loading them here and using additional space. I want the pictures to show up in this thread rather than have someone have to follow a link.
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<a href=";current=September142010008.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


None of my photobucket options are showing shots. What link option do you use? Since I have so many loaded there, I thought I could use that alternative rather than loading them here and using additional space.
Depends on if you are using the rich text editor or the HTML editor on here (labelled Source to the far left of this reply area) If HTML post the HTML code link that is listed on photobucket.

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