Fashion hen says NO to crocks.


got chickenidous?
8 Years
Aug 3, 2011
HairyMan (towns nickname)
Today I went down to feed my assortment of chickens when I was attcked.
Fashion hen attacked me and made me a present right on my shoe.
Here i a picture of my shoe.

So having the present on my shoe and having holes in my shoe as well I decided to change my shoes. So I changed them and she was just fine. I experimented with the crocks again and she immediatlely attacked me. I tried this with many clothing items and have found that she disapproves of crocks, pink t-shirts, the color yellow and red, and any type of my sister costum jewlery.

Here is the hen.
So in conclusion of this experience I have named her oprah and have decided to not wear any of the items that she disapproves of.
I wear Crocs all the time but NOT my red ones! Those make my dominant rooster nuts. I do have to keep my feet moving, though, because this or that cuirous pullet thinks there might be goodies in those holes.

I think your girl has good taste, too.

Oh, none of my flock likes my long skirt with the red hem, or my pink robe.

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