Faverolles Thread


LF pullet 6 weeks old
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Here is my Salmon Faverolle Roo and a couple of his hens. Hatched these from Sandiclaws eggs some time back. I really love these birds. They are the friendliest chickens I have and I really think the Roo is gorgeous.

From this flock, I have a whole bunch of gorgeous little chicks in the brooder and many more in the incubator.

Very nice...
Yay! My first salmon faverolle went broody a couple days ago! It's my white faverolle too! I'm still trying to find someone with white lf faverolles btw :)
Wow, Love all the pics! especially the adult favs because it gives me a reference to look at for my 6 salmon favs in the brooder right now! They're 2 weeks only but are just beautiful and really starting to get some colors! so excited to have them in my flock

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