Faverolles Thread

Hi! I love reading this thread! I recently hatched Salmon Favorelles (the Easter HAL), and am loving these birds. These are so sweet and so pretty!

I have a question about sexing. Most of the chicks are easy to tell at this stage already, like this guy (who is so full of boy-ness he's already chest bumping and trying to crow, goodness help me):


But we have one sweetheart who initially we thought was a cockerel because the dark wing feathers were fairly defined early on. But now I'm not so sure. Could you help me out?

it's name is Cheeky :love

This one has identical coloring to Cheeky as a teeny chick, and is feathering out similarity. Both are a tad behind the other Favs, both hens and cockerels. What do you think? Boy or girl?


Thanks in advance! I'm learning so much from you all!

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