Faverolles Thread

Farmer VIola: I somehow completely missed your feedback on what sex you thought my chicks were even though I read through all the posts daily!! Thank you for the feedback! THey are almost 4 wks old now and there are only 2 out of the 12 that I am sure are females. The other 10 are looking suspiciously male! I will post more pics this weekend for some update feedback!
hah no worries, I could even be wrong!
I just have my own favs to compare to, and it isn't even a big sample pool, so really I'm just guessing. I would love to see updated photos, please post them! :)
no, they are all boys.
I know some of these are obviously males. Two that I am sure are females are not in these pics.

Any tips on how to chose a cockerel (or two) out of these? I know that the 5th toe should have nice separation, trapezoid body shape....what about coloring? Some are really dark, others light. Some the light is more splotchy-how much will that change as they grow? What is preferred? I have read the standard on the Faverolles of America website...just wondering what is top of the list of desired traits and how much of that can be identified this early on? I may have someone interested in taking any that I don't want so may have to pick a roo soon.
Some cockerels take forever to feather out.

As for which ones to keep, unfortunately cockerels take several months to mature. You can't choose one or 2 at this age, all you can do is cull those with obvious issues such as extra nails and toes, too many points on comb, cross beak, crooked toes, etc.
Some cockerels take forever to feather out.

As for which ones to keep, unfortunately cockerels take several months to mature. You can't choose one or 2 at this age, all you can do is cull those with obvious issues such as extra nails and toes, too many points on comb, cross beak, crooked toes, etc.

Yep. And this breed has slow maturing cockerels so you will have to wait a while. I have 6 cockerels to choose from and they are about 5 months. I just now picked out the best one and a runner up just in case.
Good to know-thanks! Just trying to figure out how to narrow it down out of 10 and then how I will house so many roos thru the winter! I have plenty of space, its the fighting and hens I am worried about. Thanks for the advise!
I have a 2 yr old Lav Orp roo. In the past, my other breed Roos started "brawling" around I think 8 months. That puts me about Feb whn hormones will also start kicking in with my older Roo....and who will be looking for Roos then? I am so sad about this but knew what I was getting in to.

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