Favorite Breeds!


12 Years
Jun 5, 2011
North Central Texas
My Coop
My Coop
I've kept records of every bird I've ever had. I write down everything I know about each bird. Hatch date, breed, temperment, egg color, even how they died if I know. (Egg bound, dog attack, etc.)
Every year, I go through the Murray McMurray catalog with a highlighter and note which breeds I've had, which ones I'd like to have, which ones I will most-likely never have again and sometimes I even note with a pen, the reasons for each mark!

Does anyone else do this or am I just severely OCD when it comes to chickens? For example, I've noticed any time I've had Red Stars, they are the ones that are taken by stray dogs. No Joke. I also have a 7 year old mixed breed rooster that has protected his flock from dogs, hawks and storms. Because of his stellar record, when one of the hens hatched a brood with 2 girls and a boy, I kept all of them.

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