Favorite eggs


In the Brooder
Jan 15, 2017
Hi all! I have a mixed flock of New Hampshire Red, RIR, Leghorns, and Black Star hens. The NHR has been laying for about 9 months and all the others are just beginning to lay. My question is this- Does anyone else notice a difference in the taste of eggs by breed? One of my leghorns has begun laying recently and IMO the taste of her eggs is so much better than the others. Although all of the eggs I get are also very good to eat. Am I crazy? I always expected all chicken eggs to taste exactly the same before now. I'm interested in anyone's opinion on this subject. Thanks.
hi I have rirs white leghorn barred rock and a lavender D,uccle no I don't taste any thing different but you have different breeds do you get white eggs that may be it but I get white eggs and don't taste and thing different :)
I have 6 different breeds, and don't notice anything different in the taste. Only the color of the shell.
I do, actually. But more in the sense that not all the eggs cook the same. If I'm hardboiling I find that certain eggs cook up better, which then tastes better due to texture.
I have always preferred brown eggs. Maybe its in my head but they seem richer in taste. Dont get me wrong I have eaten alot of white leghorn eggs and like them too. Actually for hard boiled eggs leghorn is the best Ive had.
I have heard on more than one occasion that some folks find that the egg from a particular chicken tastes better. I'd like to suggest that if you want superior flavoring in your eggs, you try fermenting your feed. My egg customers tell me that my birds eggs are definitely superior to the eggs that they buy from other BYC flock owners.

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