Favorite Wild or Freshly Grown Foods


Kozy Orchard Farms
10 Years
Sep 24, 2010
I made the most amazing Mushrooms today!! Chanterell mushrooms are my favorite thing and they grow like weeds around here.

I also love Huckleberries and Vinicin Jerky.
I’ve completed mushrooms pretty an only some times, more than I can calculate on both hands. All I have to utter is that each person should attempt this experience next to once in their life.
I love morels and puffball mushrooms fried in butter. I'm always on the lookout for fox grapes. I made wild grape wine one year. It was so good. It was like a lambrusco and had quite a kick. My source dried up the and grew too far up the trees for me to reach. I'm also always searching for wild black raspberries, blackberries, mulberries and salmonberries. I love hunting for these things.
i've never foraged for myself, but when ramps are in season i go to the greenmarket and get a bunch. i think they are also called wild leeks?.... i love anything in the allium family
All this morel talk is making me wish it was May (for reasons other than it is freezing here)! That's the morel season around here. The hubby and his friend go out morel mushroom hunting and we cook them up. They are sooo good.

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