FB scams - PSA


Chicken Math Victim
Jul 24, 2022
I wanted to alert others so they do not fall for it. I signed up for my local backyard poultry group on FB. I wrote a post stating what I was looking for. I was referred to another FB page. The page had over 400 followers, numerous posts, pictures, and follow up posts. I contacted them they said they did have the color and breed I was looking for and they could ship. Nothing shady noticed at this point. I paid them all was complete and then it went sideways. The shipping company asked for more money which is when I refused and realized I had been had.

I have done all I can, I reported it to the group, they had already been banned for doing this to others. I reported it to FB the page for has not been removed at this time. I would post the name of the place but when they get shut down they will simple start another one. I have submitted to Venmo for an investigation. I can wether the small loss of money even if I don't get it back. My point of the post is as a PSA to show others how they are doing this scam. Good luck out there and be careful.

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