Feb 18th hatch!


12 Years
Jun 18, 2008
I currently have two hens that went broody a while ago, my white silkie hen (once again) and my Partridge Cochin hen (Her previous owners said that she has been broody before and we have her chicks that she hatched out). My Silkie went broody first but i think because of the weather and where the nest she picked is only two of the 8 eggs she had started developing and sadly they both died as well (One of them was a silkies egg so i was upset
) But yesterday i put 6 new eggs under her 3 mystery eggs and 3 from one of my younger pens that has my Silver Laced Polish Roo, Buff Cochin Bantams, White Jap Bantams, Splash Silkie, and Seremas so i am hoping to get something from them
Her hatch date is Feb 18th while my partridge hen is unknown... I didnt realize she was broody until just a few days ago. When i candle her eggs I can never tell what is going on because i dont want to risk them getting to cold by taking them somewhere really dark. My problem is, I am leaving for a cruise on the 9th i believe so i am just hoping and praying no chicks hatch before then....
So i wanna know who else is due then!
If I can get my eggs in the bator today, I will be due to have chicks close to then. The hatch date would be Feb. 19. Day after yours. I had plans to put the eggs in today, but the humidity is reading low. We're getting a new thing, hoping the hygrometer is just off. If so, eggs will go in tonight. (I'm the double yolker thread.) If not... incubator will be returned, will have to find a new one... and hatch date will be later than expected.
I'll let you know!
Sounds great everyone! Cant wait to see some chickies!

And i found out that apparently there is 7 eggs under my silkie instead of 6.....
dont know how that happened..
I'll go ahead and join your thread since we are so close in dates...

I just had 24 out of 39 hatch.. 1 pipped through the yolk and died, 1 pipped through a vein and died and one just quit half way through zipping.. Out of the remaining 12, 3 never developed and the other 9 made it to between day 19 and 21 but never pipped..

I just set 18 more eggs due to hatch on Feb 20th!

Hey all, I am jumping in. I have 12 so far will set tonight or tommorrow depending on the temps and humidity....Im excited to see some new fuzzy butts!!! I just have a MIX of backyard chicks..my favorite is a naked neck silkie rooster!!

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