
7 Years
Mar 30, 2012
SE Missouri
This is a Feb 2013 hatch thread for anyone who wants to hatch along
Everyone is welcome here.

Set my very first eggs from my LOs and Buff Brahamas by a black part english Orp roo. HATCH DATE FEB 15TH!!
Should be interesting
All eggs before this but one were shipped so this is new to me ..my own eggs and very exciting
Also have some eggs coming "hens choice" will be here this week
Not sure what will be in that batch AND collecting more of my own.

So what do you ALL have?
so happy you started the new thread- I didn't know how...

Well my little silkie egg is progressing right along, this is the 1 marked 'white', I can hear it peeping- quite LOUDLY too! Poor baby it's ready to get out of that egg. The shell is cracked and pieces have chipped off, but the inner membrane does not look to be torn yet. I can see it pushing against the membrane tho. This is so exciting- however everyone else, including the dogs went to bed hours ago LOL- I am intending to stay up to watch the progress
They think I am crazy... Nothing from the other 5 eggs yet. I did candle 1 last time b/f lockdown, all looked good- guess they are just taking thier time.

Oh & I won the mar. basque eggs I was bidding on, they are on the way- then I got a wild hair & am bidding on some call duck eggs too
Never had ducks b/f but the little calls looked so cute, I can't resist!
Little over 12 hours since the 1st egg pipped, I am exhausted- I know that poor baby must be! But it's still pecking away in there. Have not heard it peep in a while, but the pecking is pretty steady. The hole is a little bigger, tear in the membrane now too. Still NOTHING from the other 5! Not even rolling around, not a peep, peck -zilch!

I cleaned out cages from my SFH babies- then checked the bator- did the laundry- checked the bator- cleaned the bathroom- checked the bator- read 10 chapters in my book- checked many times- watched tv- checked again- bid on even more eggs (OMG!) and still checking the bator- Now I've run out of stuff to occupy myself, except checking the bator... Lordy & it's only 6am!
Here's what's hatching for me in February (so far):
Swedish Flower Hen: due Feb. 1st
Serama: Feb. 1st
Orpingtons: Feb.4th
White Bresse: Feb. 6th
Tolbunts: Feb 7th
BBS Marans: Feb 7th
The first set of my Blue Barred Rock eggs: Feb. 7th
Black Bresse: Feb. 14th
The second set of my Blue Barred Rock eggs: Feb. 14th

I have some SFH eggs coming in this Thursday or Friday and some Lav. Ameraucana eggs being shipped next week too. Looks like my bator is not being shut off anytime soon.
Little over 12 hours since the 1st egg pipped, I am exhausted- I know that poor baby must be! But it's still pecking away in there. Have not heard it peep in a while, but the pecking is pretty steady. The hole is a little bigger, tear in the membrane now too. Still NOTHING from the other 5! Not even rolling around, not a peep, peck -zilch!

I cleaned out cages from my SFH babies- then checked the bator- did the laundry- checked the bator- cleaned the bathroom- checked the bator- read 10 chapters in my book- checked many times- watched tv- checked again- bid on even more eggs (OMG!) and still checking the bator- Now I've run out of stuff to occupy myself, except checking the bator... Lordy & it's only 6am!
Ha!! That last part is me all over!!! checking after every activity lol I was a little better this time around, rather than my first time incubating, w/ my Cayugas eggs, I actually left for a few hours w/out calling the house for updates or anything!! Time to start watching a series from it's first season
I have 4 expected/planned to hatch on Feb 2nd and am very excited as this is my first time hatching eggs. These are from chickens that we purchased as day-olds in the spring of 2012. Those were the first chickens we ever raised.

I am expecting:

  • 1 - Easter Egger
  • 1 - Comet (Golden Sex Link)
  • 2 - not sure

I also have 2 other eggs in the incubator expected to hatch out on Feb 9th and both should be Comets.
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Soooooooo I've been a bad hen... I couldn't resist putting in 9 of Beatrice's eggs into the bator. I had 2 of her eggs in this last hatch, but only 1 survived. They were her first two eggs, I know a lot of people say to wait till they get bigger, all of them have been the same size basically. Hopefully some will develop (they were layed speratically since Jan 7th) but thought what the heck, I'm going to be incubating a few of the eggs my new quail have laid.

So here we go

9 EE/EE eggs w/ a hatch date of FEB17TH

& at least 2 coturnix quail eggs
I have 4 expected/planned to hatch on Feb 2nd and am very excited as this is my first time hatching eggs. These are from chickens that we purchased as day-olds in the spring of 2012. Those were the first chickens we ever raised.

I am expecting:

  • 1 - Easter Egger
  • 1 - Comet (Golden Sex Link)
  • 2 - not sure

I also have 2 other eggs in the incubator expected to hatch out on Feb 9th and both should be Comets.

YAY! Hatching fever!

I just set 9 Serama eggs from my young pair that just produced the two babies pictured here...(Exchequer X Black parents), and from my other 7 1/2 month old pullet. Her chicks should be by a tricolor (white/black/gold) cockerel that was with her till very recently, but the last couple eggs could be sired by the black silkied Serama boy shes with now, so hers will be a surprise :D Good incubating and hatching energy to everyone!! ^..^ Mine will be due February 18th

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Hi all. I'm hatching my first chicks right now (on day 6, hatch date 2/13), but I'm letting my broody hen do all the work. We tried two weeks ago, because she's determined to be broody. We didn't have any luck with those, probably because my roo is very young and tho he tries, bless his soul, he just doesn't get the job done.

So I got eggs from a local chicken-lady and now Snowflake is on 5 silkie and 3 marans eggs. Should be interesting. I candled last night and saw good development in at least 3 silkies and 2 marans. I left all the eggs and will check back in a few days to see. Does that sound ok, or should I take out the apparent nonstarters now?

Also, I'm sure you all know it's winter! lol. So I'm trying to decide if, when the chicks are born, should I move her and the babies into our laundry room into a doberman kennel? Or should I just leave them be? Our temps are 20-30s at night and 50-70 during the day. (We live in the high desert). Right now she's in an external nest box that's 18x10 with a small waterer and food. I keep the small, circular door shut with poultry mesh except a short time each day I open it in case she wants to get out for a few.

Would love any advice.

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