February hatch-a-long 2018

Ok I am starting to think this duckling might not have been meant to hatch.... He or she keeps flipping over backwards I put it in he brooder with the chicks and they keep stepping on the poor thing when it flips. What is wrong with it and will it start acting right I do I need to go ahead and call it?
Ok I am starting to think this duckling might not have been meant to hatch.... He or she keeps flipping over backwards I put it in he brooder with the chicks and they keep stepping on the poor thing when it flips. What is wrong with it and will it start acting right I do I need to go ahead and call it?

I'll call in some duck help because I'm not sure.

Ok I am starting to think this duckling might not have been meant to hatch.... He or she keeps flipping over backwards I put it in he brooder with the chicks and they keep stepping on the poor thing when it flips. What is wrong with it and will it start acting right I do I need to go ahead and call it?

It can take a full day for them to get their land legs, more for assisted hatchers... got any Nutridrench Poultry vitamins? A drop or 2 straight followed by a drop or 2 of water would help give it a boost... maybe separate it in a bowl for a bit so the chicks don't trample it...
Have a question. I placed my eggs in the incubator late like 9pm on the 6th. Should I be expecting hatch today the 27th or since i placed them in so late in the day should i be watching for them tomorrow?
Have a question. I placed my eggs in the incubator late like 9pm on the 6th. Should I be expecting hatch today the 27th or since i placed them in so late in the day should i be watching for them tomorrow?

Bearing in mind 21 days is just an average they do often start to hatch around the time you set them.

Good luck!
1 pip is now a chick, the second has started punching it's pip hole open more now. The other 5 show no change yet.
1 pip is now a chick, the second has started punching it's pip hole open more now. The other 5 show no change yet.

Some like to take forever so don't panic yet. Keep an eye on the one that's punching its pip hole open more - if the hole just keeps getting bigger without it progressing to unzipping then the baby might not be able to turn, so it may need help. But try not to step in too quick as it's an important process (if baby can do it on its own). It's a bit of a judgement call so if you step in just take as little shell off as possible to assess what's going on and if baby is ready to hatch.

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