feeder making me crazy!!!!!


7 Years
Jun 26, 2012
Central Arkansas
I cnt figure out a good feeder....I have used a normal feeder. Where u pour the food in from the top. Now I sprinkle the food on the ground. The chicks would scatter-knock out the food from feeder and loop in it.

Looking for an easy way to give them food without a bunch wasted.....or am I fighting a loosing battle??
Are your chicks still small and in the brooder? When my were little they would kick the food out of the feeder in a few hours. Hanging it didn't help. I finally found a large frisbee with fairly tall sides and set it underneath the feeder. This caught what they kicked out and I could pour it back in the top.

Now that mine are outside they seem to have found better things to do than play with their food. If yours are older and still doing this maybe you can find something larger than a frisbee to put under the feeder. Auto parts stores have large,shallow round pans for catching oil that might fit nicely under a feeder to catch the stuff they fling out.

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