feeder placement

Ballerina Bird

5 Years
Aug 29, 2014
Would be grateful for ideas about how to place feeders so both my chickens will feel comfortable using them. I have two hens, Odile (pita pinta, lead hen) and Medora (light Brahma, timid). A couple of weeks ago, Medora starting acting lethargic. I took her to the vet, who gave her antibiotics but couldn't find anything obviously wrong with her except that she is thin.

Medora is now doing a little better after some antibiotics and me spending a lot of time feeding her with my supervision (eggs, veggies, yogurt), but I don't think she's eating from the feeder the way she should be.

A friend mentioned that perhaps Medora is having trouble visiting the feeder because Odile is intimidating her. I am not sure why this would suddenly have become a problem, since until a few weeks ago, I would see Medora eating at the feeder with no problem. But I wonder if that is going on, especially since I don't really see Medora using the feeder lately as much as she used to. Or maybe Medora did have some kind of illness and it made her less strong and therefore less brave about using the feeder than she had been, and now she's gotten into the habit of not eating as much from the feeder? Medora doesn't seem generally all that afraid of Odile -- when I put out their dishes of eggs, or offer kale, Medora will barrel up and even try to take what I'm offering Odile. But something about the feeders is causing trouble -- she is just not emptying the feeder at the rate she used to. She is a large bird and should be eating a lot of feed -- she used to.

I am at a loss as to how to place the feeders (I added another one) so that both hens will use them comfortably. My run has a smaller section and a larger section, with a hallway connecting them. I tried having one feeder in each section, but that didn't do anything, so then I put both in the larger section of the run, so that they can both eat, and be near each other, but not feel penned in by the other hen. But I am not sure that's working either. I do see Medora visiting the feeder sometimes, but not like she was before. I still don't know what all is going on, but if I can situate the feeders to get her to use them more, it would be helpful.
Would be grateful for ideas about how to place feeders so both my chickens will feel comfortable using them. I have two hens, Odile (pita pinta, lead hen) and Medora (light Brahma, timid). A couple of weeks ago, Medora starting acting lethargic. I took her to the vet, who gave her antibiotics but couldn't find anything obviously wrong with her except that she is thin.

Medora is now doing a little better after some antibiotics and me spending a lot of time feeding her with my supervision (eggs, veggies, yogurt), but I don't think she's eating from the feeder the way she should be.

A friend mentioned that perhaps Medora is having trouble visiting the feeder because Odile is intimidating her. I am not sure why this would suddenly have become a problem, since until a few weeks ago, I would see Medora eating at the feeder with no problem. But I wonder if that is going on, especially since I don't really see Medora using the feeder lately as much as she used to. Or maybe Medora did have some kind of illness and it made her less strong and therefore less brave about using the feeder than she had been, and now she's gotten into the habit of not eating as much from the feeder? Medora doesn't seem generally all that afraid of Odile -- when I put out their dishes of eggs, or offer kale, Medora will barrel up and even try to take what I'm offering Odile. But something about the feeders is causing trouble -- she is just not emptying the feeder at the rate she used to. She is a large bird and should be eating a lot of feed -- she used to.

I am at a loss as to how to place the feeders (I added another one) so that both hens will use them comfortably. My run has a smaller section and a larger section, with a hallway connecting them. I tried having one feeder in each section, but that didn't do anything, so then I put both in the larger section of the run, so that they can both eat, and be near each other, but not feel penned in by the other hen. But I am not sure that's working either. I do see Medora visiting the feeder sometimes, but not like she was before. I still don't know what all is going on, but if I can situate the feeders to get her to use them more, it would be helpful.
Hi Ballerina bird, I'm wondering if it is possible that your hen is enjoying all the extra little treats she is getting from you too much. So much so that she isn't feeling hungry enough to eat more of the balanced feed offered. Those little stinkers are good for that. Even healthy snacks, if fed more than 10% of your hens food intake can throw them off balance. Our commercial feeds available have all the dietary ingredients our birds may need, but if your like me, I like to spoil my birds too on occasion. Your hen may have been getting bullied at the feeder when there was only one, but now that you've added the second feeder your hen may just be too full to be eating it. How old are your birds & have you ever wormed them?
Hi @ChickenLady2014 . You definitely may have a point here! I got so worried when I heard her weight was low that I have probably been giving her too much other stuff, mainly because when I hand feed those things I can control it and make sure Medora gets her fill. But you could very well be right that I need to ramp down the treats. Odile is 4 and I don't know how old Medora is because she was given to me as an adult, but I think maybe she's also around 4? (she is not laying). I haven't wormed them, but I did do a fecal float test last week that came back negative for worm/parasite eggs. Thanks so much for getting back to me.
Hi @ChickenLady2014 . You definitely may have a point here! I got so worried when I heard her weight was low that I have probably been giving her too much other stuff, mainly because when I hand feed those things I can control it and make sure Medora gets her fill. But you could very well be right that I need to ramp down the treats. Odile is 4 and I don't know how old Medora is because she was given to me as an adult, but I think maybe she's also around 4? (she is not laying). I haven't wormed them, but I did do a fecal float test last week that came back negative for worm/parasite eggs. Thanks so much for getting back to me.
Your very welcome, fingers crossed that that is all it is. Try limiting the treats & see if you notice her at the feeder, best of luck :D

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