
Aug 3, 2020
Pacific Northwest, WA
So my boyfriend is looking to raise chicks to sell when they are older, but he is trying to find a way to feed the chicks so that it is worth doing that without loosing money. buying from the feed store we can get a 25lb bag of chick starter at coastal for $10.99.

He thinks at that he would be loosing money selling his polish chickens for $20 a piece as started chickens. The only place that sells bulk chick feed around here for chickens sells them for $380 for a half ton, but he says he can get a 50lb bag for $15 (which would be cheaper) but I think he is thinking of layer pellets not chick feed because the 25lb $10.99 bag is all I could find at the store, and coastal is the cheapest farm store around us for buying chicken feed and supplies. anyone have any suggestions for us? We live in the Skagit area of Washington btw.
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