feeding ducks ????? please help!!!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 29, 2011
I'm new at raising ducks I have 1 mallard and 2 runners. They are about 3-4 weeks old. I was wondering what I should be feeding them. Someone told me I should be giving them sardines but I'm not sure if you can or if there old enough for that. I would really appreciate any help
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I feed my ducklings Purina Flockraiser (or my local comparison of nonmedicated pullet grower) until they are grown and on layer pellets. For treats they can do grass. I never tried sardines. Canned ones usually come with oil or other coating so I don't think I would.
I know that you can get them just in water. But I didn't know if that's something they would eat. Or really anything else that should be feeding them that I'm not already giving them
Defrosted, mushed peas. They'll follow you around like you're the pied(or rather pea'd) piper.
Peas can buy the affection of even the most unfriendly duck.
Hello, here in Spain we feed baby ducklings the same as baby chickens, its like a ground down feed that has every thing they need in it. Try and find a shop or farm near to you that might be able to help you further. Peas and beans doesn´t really sound like it is enough for a growing bird, my like green for fun but they still come in and eat lots of farm bout food too. Also i have neaver heard of giving them fish, i would be very careful with that. Hope that helps.
Hey! I'm new to ducks as well, I only bought my 2 runners yesterday & they will not stop peeping!!
I'm not quite sure how old they are but one is substantially bigger than the other. I just have them on chick crumbs for the moment, if you put water out as well they tend to eat the crumbs and drink the water to mush it together

I did hear also they liked peas though
I'll have to try that one soon..
I'm sorry, I should have said give the peas as a treat to make them LOVE you!
I feed my ducklings Gamebird Starter/Grower.

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