Feeding fish to the hens, rambling observations unless the topic drifts


Free Ranging
6 Years
Jul 1, 2017
Upper Midwest, USA
They did not hesitate at downing alewives earlier this summer. The carcass of a nearly 19" bass was a bit more daunting. We filleted it to eat the bulk of the muscle ourselves and I have most of the guts waiting for later. It was still scary when it moved as they tried it. That was yesterday.

One observation is not new but it was really obvious with this. That is the willingness of one hen to hunt and forage vs all the others. Spice will work at finding food - very aggressively. She always has. None of the others come remotely close to that. Part of it is likely that she hogs the opportunities. But I don't think it is much of it. I could be wrong about that.

Anyway, they left the skin of the bass. They cleaned every bit off the skin. I thought they would leave the skull too but I haven't found it yet. Since they are in an 8x10 ft space, it shouldn't be hard to find. I'll sift thoroughly through the bedding after they are done with the next fish too.

Today, they have round two: three pike heads. One big and two smaller. Normally, the state doesn't allow keeping small pike but this particular lake is overrun with them. So we could keep one over 24" and as many as possible of the 12-14". We caught four but one was fed back to the fish in the lake due to a misunderstanding of what I wanted to do with them.

They are working at them off and on. A little. My first thought was they didn't like them. But they are grazing on them pretty consistently. Just a bite now and then. Then they groom for a while or fluff some in the dust bath and such. Then another bite or two. This is how they eat their feed too.

If I went fishing more often, I would look up the nutrition and pros and cons of different ways of feeding it. For now, it is just observations.

They are l molting so extra protein is probably good. Their feed is a bit lower in protein than I would like anyway.
I've been trying to decide how to divide the fish. Which parts to freeze and in how large of batches. I don't want to feed as much at a time as I have so far. I think I'll pick one or two of the heads back up and freeze them. Also freeze the perch and pan fish carcasses and some of the guts.

In VERY well labeled packaging.
How many do you give them at a time? And to how many chickens?
I think last time he dumped a bucketful of them. The kiddy pool surface was covered. Had I been there to witness it, I would have reserved at least half of them for another day.

Right now, I've got close to 40 ducks of varying species, and there were 12? chickens (got a few more since then and some are inside in quarantine), mostly bantam breeds. And they got their share! Even stealing from the ducks.
I would be interested to know if the eggs taste fishy after that.
I would also be.
The hens had all the fish they cared to eat on Monday and Tuesday. And possibly some yesterday if they left any from Tuesday.

We just ate the eggs that were laid today (Thursday). We did not detect any fishy taste. We didn't eat eggs yesterday so I will try yesterday's eggs sometime later today or tomorrow.

Yesterday afternoon, I went through their bedding very thoroughly with a garden claw (one of those three prong things that come in a set with a hand trowel sometime) and kitty litter scoop to help move and fluff it. I do NOT want to find a pike head unexpectedly by stepping on it with my bare feet. Especially more than three days later. Ewwww. I found the bass head and more bass skin (they were stinking) and the biggest pike head (it wasn't stinking). Nothing else. I don't think they would eat the smaller pike skulls so I will look again. But I was VERY thorough and I didn't smell any stink today.

Dh volunteered (unprompted) a comment that the eggs today were especially big. I had noticed it too. Our eggs do vary in size quite a bit and we have had eggs this big before. Although it doesn't happen often.

They look and act normal as they have throughout this experiment. The rest of the fish scraps are frozen in portions to give them just enough to be more than Spice wants to eat at once. That is more than the rule of thumb of 10% of the diet in treats per day. If I don't do that, Spice gets nearly all of any treat. She actually eats less at once if she can see it is more than she could eat at once.
I would be interested to know if the eggs taste fishy after that.
Interestingly enough, today i cracked an egg that was laid during or right after the 4 days in a row of small amounts of fresh fish egg & sardines for the 5 hens; i swear I smelled a faint wiff of fish during the cracking of the egg. It was so brief and I couldnt locate it again.....egg was delicious either way 😊🐓❤️

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