Feeding New Emu Chicks

Grassman 52

7 Years
Aug 2, 2012
Ludlow Mass
I have a few of my new chicks eating and drinking -

Question: I put chopped up greens in the chick starter and in the water - they seem to love the greens but I don't see them eating the chick starter - should I be concerned?
oldest is only 7 days - next few are 4-5 days - they are just starting, I see them eating the greens but not the chick starter.
Morning, Grassman.

I know nothing about your sitation, that is, caring for newly-incubated chicks/aggression among newly-incubated chicks.

But, ‘cause we love our emoos, I think we are reluctant to not see them as cutie fluffies.

A stronger bird will attack a weaker bird. I have had the awful experience of stoning one of my birds as I struggled to stop her and her sister, whom I was keeping at bay with a broom, from killing their injured sister.

I personally would segregate the aggressive chick forthwith simply because you can’t monitor the chicks 24/7, and it only takes a few minutes to peck an injured bird to death.

You could then re-introduce the aggressive chick while you are monitoring, and see how things progress.

Supreme Emu
This morning I saw that 4 of the chicks were eating the greens and chick starter and drinking a lot more - IMO this is a case where one chick figured it out and the others followed. I am just overly concerned being my first time with Emu chicks.

As far as the picking on other chicks - Yoda suggested a put some cheap cat toys in the brooding area so the chicks are not bored - it worked and the chicks are picking at the balls and not each other - Need to get them outside into the chick run.
I was a great idea - the chicks still pick at the little balls and I can hear the bells inside as they push them all over the brooder - All of the eye picking has stopped.
Even better would be a parrot toy. They're shinier.......

Also Grassman, I put my Emu chicks with some Pilgrim goslings that hatched at the same time. The goslings taught the Emus to eat and drink right away. Also, I give the greens as a treat only. I also feed them the greens by hand only. This ensures a great bonding and dependency experience. Now when I walk by the brooder they come right over to greet me......
Even better would be a parrot toy. They're shinier.......

Also Grassman, I put my Emu chicks with some Pilgrim goslings that hatched at the same time. The goslings taught the Emus to eat and drink right away. Also, I give the greens as a treat only. I also feed them the greens by hand only. This ensures a great bonding and dependency experience. Now when I walk by the brooder they come right over to greet me......

lol.. i never bother to handfeed the greens..
i also let them have as much of the collard greens as they want.. it's loaded with vitamins (especially calcium) and much better for them than a "chick starter" which won't have nearly enough calcium for an emu chick

even without the handfeeding mine still come running when I go out in the yard and call them (most times I don't even need to call.. as soon as they see myself or my husband they start running as fast as they can to come get some attention and be nosy)
my chicks have been getting greens (chopped up) three times a day and (geese-duck) starter/grower free choice. Started hand feeding for a few minutes each day then just give them the balance.

They went outside to their new run this morning - still don't know how to handle the big outdoors - I will take some pics later today and post.

Built them a large chick run and all they want to do is hang in the coner

That's 10 chicks
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