Feeding Wild Birds

I live on the East coast, New Jersey to be specific. I have lived in the same home for 54 years and have fed the wild birds that entire time. This year populations are at an all time low. I would guess somewhere around 20 % of what normally feed here and at a wildlife club where I also feed. I was wondering if anyone else has noted a similar decrease in wild bird populations. I know that West Nile hit here fairly hard last year. Perhaps that is what caused the reduction ?
I live in the Low Country of SC and I believe all your birds maybe at my feeder. LOL!
I have two feeders and put 5 pounds in each and its totally empty in two days. I also had some weird visitors this year, A pair of Canada geese and some buzzards checked it out.
I live in the Low Country of SC and I believe all your birds maybe at my feeder. LOL!
I have two feeders and put 5 pounds in each and its totally empty in two days. I also had some weird visitors this year, A pair of Canada geese and some buzzards checked it out.

Birds became 'snowbirds' and wintered in the South. :lau
I have always had Magpies visit, but this year for some reason a couple of them are hanging on the seed cake and suet basket feeders and pecking at them with all their might. It hasn't been *that* cold here, got down to the 20s a couple of nights the past week but it's been above freezing every day but one. I'm not sure whether I should be worried about this or not. I haven't refilled the baskets, right now they all have just remnants in them of the seed cakes and suet blocks. Needless to say, the little birds who are the usual consumers of said offerings stay away when the Magpies are there, right now that's my primary concern I guess.
A pair of Canada geese has taken up residence on the pond across the road. Goose 'disappeared' on 4/20 and I didn't see her until this morning when she was feeding in the hay field. I know what she's doing. Is their incubation period 28 days ?
I believe that it is about 30 days.
@R2elk while preparing supper I looked out the window and saw our resident feral cat in a predatory stance. Looked where she was looking, and there was a hen turkey feeding under my bird feeder. Cat soon decided that was too big a bird for her to tackle. A bit later I saw the turkey pacing back and forth in the back yard in a sort of figure 8 pattern. Couldn't figure out what was going until I realized that she was reluctant to cross a new hose that I had run out to my dog pens. Do you think she thought it was a snake ? She eventually went back to the feeder and exited to the back of my property.
@R2elk while preparing supper I looked out the window and saw our resident feral cat in a predatory stance. Looked where she was looking, and there was a hen turkey feeding under my bird feeder. Cat soon decided that was too big a bird for her to tackle. A bit later I saw the turkey pacing back and forth in the back yard in a sort of figure 8 pattern. Couldn't figure out what was going until I realized that she was reluctant to cross a new hose that I had run out to my dog pens. Do you think she thought it was a snake ? She eventually went back to the feeder and exited to the back of my property.
Sure sounds like snake finding behavior. When I spot my turkeys all excited and in a circle, it is usually because they are surrounding a snake. Mine are very familiar with hoses so no problem there. A wild turkey that is unfamiliar with hoses could be concerned about that strange snake.

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