Feeding Wild Birds

The robins are busy.


So are the Grackles


Meadowlark singing his heart out.
What beautiful photos!
We have seen a couple of orioles in the past week, but not like last year. We put out oranges for them, they just don't seem to be staying as long this year. Something with little blue eggs has a nest in a blue spruce I have to walk right next to to get to the shed coop, whatever it is has been sitting in this tree at dusk for 2 or 3 weeks, flies out of the tree when I go by to start closing up at night, but it didn't occur to me to look for a nest. DH found it, said there are small blue eggs, I haven't taken a look yet but he described eggs that sound smaller than Robin. Western King Birds seem to have selected the East side of the house this year rather than the West side Poplars where they've set up housekeeping the last 3 years, which is a-ok with me, the poplars are between the back door and the hydrant, so several times a day we would be dive-bombed. Lots of house finches and some sort of sparrows I've never identified around, hear Meadowlarks but haven't seen much of them, and I haven't heard our Mockingbird the last few days, I hope he's okay. We're up to 4-6 Hummingbirds now, at least 4 for sure as there were 4 on one feeder night before last.
We have seen a couple of orioles in the past week, but not like last year. We put out oranges for them, they just don't seem to be staying as long this year. Something with little blue eggs has a nest in a blue spruce I have to walk right next to to get to the shed coop, whatever it is has been sitting in this tree at dusk for 2 or 3 weeks, flies out of the tree when I go by to start closing up at night, but it didn't occur to me to look for a nest. DH found it, said there are small blue eggs, I haven't taken a look yet but he described eggs that sound smaller than Robin. Western King Birds seem to have selected the East side of the house this year rather than the West side Poplars where they've set up housekeeping the last 3 years, which is a-ok with me, the poplars are between the back door and the hydrant, so several times a day we would be dive-bombed. Lots of house finches and some sort of sparrows I've never identified around, hear Meadowlarks but haven't seen much of them, and I haven't heard our Mockingbird the last few days, I hope he's okay. We're up to 4-6 Hummingbirds now, at least 4 for sure as there were 4 on one feeder night before last.
I used to put out oranges and syrup for the Bullock's Orioles that show up here. I was late getting it out a couple of years ago and discovered that they really like the suet cakes.
I used to put out oranges and syrup for the Bullock's Orioles that show up here. I was late getting it out a couple of years ago and discovered that they really like the suet cakes.
Yes, the ones that were here last week were going after the suet cakes, too. We wondered if it was because the oranges weren't as juicy as they should have been - I even made an extra trip back to town to get fresher oranges thinking the ones we had were just too old, but even the new ones didn't have much juice. Might pick up a couple at the organic grocer today while in town in case they haven't actually left yet, plus I saw a honey bee yesterday afternoon on the dandelions and they might be assisted by oranges as well.
sour, this afternoon had 4 Goldfinches on the lawn eating the seed things from dandelions.
Need a lot more of them, have dandelions by the hundreds. They are such beautiful little birds - brilliant coloring.
We have goldfinches at the feeder daily, as well as cardinals and woodpeckers.

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