Feeding Wild Birds

Blue Jay

The Bullock's Oriole is here.






Catbirds overwinter here but I haven't seen any Goldfinches yet. Checked the Phoebe's nest - 5 pearly white eggs and one somewhat larger speckled egg. The cowbird struck, and Sour struck back. :oops:
This was just an advance scout group of 5 male goldfinches. They usually show up about a week ahead of the rest of the goldfinches. I believe the goldfinches would nest here if they weren't harassed by the grackles.

There have been a number of vandalized robin nests here. The usual suspects are the grackles but this year I suspect the male Blue Jay too. The one thing I like about the Grackles is that they do run the starlings out of here.
The house finch eggs hatched in the blue spruce I have to walk by every day, so far they seem to be thriving, and since the evenings have been warmer and I've been wearing just my grey t-shirt out to close up coops the mama doesn't fly off the nest when I go by, so maybe she just doesn't like the black jacket I wear in cooler weather? Don't know. Hummingbirds abound now, Orioles are still here just decimating the suet and oranges we put out for them, and the Mockingbird boy tried to land on the table I use to fill waterers just as I was tossing the contents of a waterer over the edge into the asparagus patch, I think I startled him as much as he startled me LOL. Had a couple of new sparrows show up last week but just passed through, DH looked them up and now I can't remember what they are called, they have white stripes on their heads, look like they're wearing little racing helmets. @R2elk I browsed the Wyoming thread last nightly purely to have a look at more of your photos, they are just lovely, I so enjoyed them.
The next door neighbor hung some feeder things on my fence. Looks like it has liquid in them. I'm guessing something sweet. The birds showing up are brown and orange or black & orange. I wonder if those are Baltimore Orioles . Used to have itty bitty Golden Books editions of birds of different regions. Think that's what they are.
Had a couple of new sparrows show up last week but just passed through, DH looked them up and now I can't remember what they are called, they have white stripes on their heads, look like they're wearing little racing helmets.
Probably White-crowned Sparrows but possibly White-throated Sparrows if their throat area is white.

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